Bought a hk uspc 45 man is it loud!!!!!! Got a question.



Well im new here and this is my first post so first I would like to say hello.

Well now the problem. I just got this 45 and against better judgment I shot it with out hearing protection. Well let me tell you it about blew my ear drums out. I have a g22 and have shot it without the same results. I know I should wear something for hearing protection but I wanted to get a feel for what it was like without it, so I would know what to exspect if I ever was in a position were I had to use it for defence. The bullets were winchester 230 grain fmj. My question is this. Is there a load out there that would not shock my ears as bad? I sure wouldnt like to have to bear that pain in a defensive situation.

Thanks in advance
USE HEARING PROTECTION!!!!! Or go around saying "What?" like I do. One shot MIGHT not harm your hearing permanently, but it didn't do it any good.

??????? Welll in a nut shell If i ever have to use it there wont be time to put ear plugs in and I dont wanna damage my hearing. I have a glock 22 in 40 and it does not shock my ears like this gun does. Im wondering if I should take it back and get the 40. Anybody here got any ideas on a brand of ammo that would not bark as loud?

Use hearing protection and PRACTICE A LOT! If the SHTF you won't be wearing any but you won't notice the noise because of the adrenalin rush. You have chosen a great caliber for defensive purposes. Get familiar with it.


And wear hearing protection whenever you shoot regardless of the caliber or gauge. The .22 rimfire will damage your hearing just like the big centerfires.

Have fun. Lots of it.

Thanks, tawakoni

ok so i wont notice it but will the adrenaline rush protect my hearing or could it still do damage? I know I might sound stupid but my hearing is a big concern for me I dont wanna go deaf.
Wake up as smell the cordite!

Just how many of these life threatening situations are you going to be in that it will affect your hearing?????? Probably zero, but you've already damaged your hearing by PRACTICING! Stop at once.

If you ever have to use it, hearing protection is going to be your last concern.
If your life is threatened and you need to use your gun you will most likely experience tunnel vision and auditory exclusion. You can thank adrenalin for that. You will also lose fine motor skills so finger tip operation of the slide is right out the window. If you are a normal functioning human you will be so focused on the threat that you will not even notice the blast. Shoot at least 200rds each time you go to the range and do that once a month or more always wear plugs and pray you won't have to use it to save your life.
Wear hearing protection. Always. How do you think you're helping your ears by exposing them to loud noises???

Read, re-read, and re-read what Racegunner wrote.

Your hearing is one of your natural defense mechanisms don't lose it.

It may seem these guys are being kinda hard on you. They arent. Instead of buying ammo thats not as loud, buy earplugs and whatever ammo you want to practice with. Dont worry about how loud it is. As said above. When it comes time to defend youeself with that gun, you wont notice the bang.

If you live in the city and want to practice in your APT. Ammo thats quieter isnt going to help you either. I hope thats not what you're trying to get at here. If so, get an airgun or airsoft to practice holstering,firing,timing ETC.

Quiet ammo is available. It dont work very well in handguns though. The CB Long's work well in my .22 rifle.

Good luck. Welcome to TFL

Tim :D
OK thanks for the replys and I can surely understand where you guys are coming from. But the fact of the matter is that I do take this very serious thats why i asked the question. Believe me i shot the gun once and only once. The bang was loud and to be honest it was loud enough that it caused some pain and I was not about to stand there and just keep doin it im not that stupid. I also wear hearing protection when I shoot but as I stated I wanted to shoot it once without it to see what would happen. I did not think this gun was going to be as load as say a 357 mag.

Now for my chief concern. I have 2 other guns, a sig 239 9mm and a glock 22 which would not have the same effect on me in a defensive situation. yes they are loud and could cause some hearing problems from over exsposure but I dont feel they would be as bad as this 45 . So i feel they would be a better choice for me because in the unlikely stuation that I had to use this weapon I might live another day,but I would also stand a chance of being deaf which is better than the alternative I know. but I can make a strong case that my g22 would have been just as effective but with less side effects,which leads me to ask why would I wanna carry the 45?
Which is to bad because I really like the way the usp feels and from what I hear the it could be really accurate. So now feel like I should have purchased the gun in a different caliber.

You cand be rest assured that I dont live in a aptartment complex. I have my own house in the country in rural michigan. I would never discharge a weapon in the city or around other ppl for that matter. I just thought maybe some of you guys that have been around this caliber might have a suggestion for a good brand and type of ammo that would maybe be a better choice.

I can aslo see that you guys are really safety oriented now, and that I should make myself more clear in the future. But as you can see im not that good at getting my thoughts out on a computer, and yes I know my spelling and grammar arent that good but im rusty and hope it comes back to me after awhile. HaHa its been along time since ive sat in on a english class.

Please use ear protection.

Though I appreciate your desire to'know what it's like' without it so you won't be surprised in a real life 'situation', chance favors the prepared mind, and as was pointed out, your ears are among your key defense mechanisms to keep you out of a gun fight. Although I have no first hand experience, those who I know who have been in gunfights have told me that when TSHTF, there are too many other things to worry about during the action, but afterwards, yes, their ears were definitely a problem, with symptoms ranging from persistent ringing to partial deafness. Fortunately, it usually goes away in a few hours or days, but with long term expposure, you WILL damage and maybe loose your hearing. Please protect yourself. M2
Oddly enough the one time I fire a .45 under stress. I really did not notice the sound. In fact I dont even remember hearing a sound. Do not worry about the sound when poo fits the fan but definately worry about it at the range.
ALWAYS use Ear and Eye protection

Please wear hearing protection and shooting glasses. Spent shells and burning powder have a habit of flying back in your face if you shoot a lot. I wear soft ear plugs AND, a headset when I go to the range, along with shooting glasses that are designed just for shooting. Its cheap insurance. During a tactical situation a few reports isn't your biggest worry. Hope you never have to face a real situation.

USE HEARING & EYE PROTECTION!!! A situation where you might use your USP in an emergency is totally different than using your pistol in practice. Proven fact that when the fight or flight reflex kicks in, adrenaline kicks in, blood flow to vital organs increases, yada yada...the bang of your pistol will not be perceived as loud! Controlled situations like practice can't duplicate this, PROCTECT your hearing & VISION everytime!!!
Each time you fire a shot without using hearing protection, you are irreversibly damaging your hearing. If you are in a defensive situation, you might not notice the sound of the shot, or it might not sound as loud as it really is. But that doesn't change the physics involved. You'll have damaged your hearing nevertheless. That's not to say you'll go deaf from one shot. But hearing damage is cumulative.

I have tinnitus -- ringing in the ears. It comes from hearing damage (got it from construction, not shooting). It doesn't go away. Ever. Trust me, you don't want it.

Don't do any more shooting without hearing protection, even just to see how loud it is. When you're 75 years old, you'll want to be able to hear what your grandchildren are saying.

Well let me tell you it about blew my ear drums out. I have a g22 and have shot it without the same results.

Did you test the .45 and the .40 under the same conditions? Perhaps something reflected more sound back towards your ears when you tested the .45 and gave you the false impression that the gun itself is louder.

I ask because I've shot both .40s and .45s and the noise level seems to be about the same for both.
Trust me, you will be very well served with the USP .45. Get good with it, and don't look back.

I'm not sure where you fired this, but if it was at a typical indoor range with hard walls, uncarpeted floors, etc. this is probably the LAST place you would want to try out the sound thing. The sounds will be amplified due to lack of sound absorbing media like carpet and open spaces (other rooms, windows). Imagine yelling in the bathroom and deciding that you don't want to go to a football game because yelling will hurt your ears.

Additionally, the .45 is actually a lower pressured round and thus should be a little less loud. Maybe a lot of the sound energy from the .40 is on a higher level that will damage your ears in a different way?

Honestly, the FIRST thing you should worry about is safety at the range and this encompasses coming back from shooting in as close to the same condition that you were in before you went to the range. This means gun safety AND hearing/eye safety should be of paramount concern.

No flame, just something to think about: The amount of damage you did to your hearing (probably minimal, thank goodness) with this experiment is probably greater than you will ever do in your real life self defense scenarios combined.

Stick with the pistol that you fire the best and have the most confidence in. Be very glad that you did not test with a .357 Magnum! :D
sorry can't help myself sometimes!!!
The USP .45 compact is one sweet shooting pistol.
Nice choice, very accurate and reliable.....
Always wear eye and ear protection, you don't want
to blow out your ears, if you do then you will never
hear that bump in the night.