Borrowing a Firearm in NJ


New member
Would it be legal in my state to lend a friend a rifle shotgun or even a handgun and let them take it to the range without me? That someone would of course be over the age of 18 and have a valid Firearms ID Card.
When I lived in NJ 20 years ago you had to have a firearms ID card to buy a long gun or to apply for a permit to own a handgun. Once you got the permit for the handgun, from your local township's police dept., it was "your" handgun. AFAIK you would be putting yourself, and your friend, in jeopardy if you loaned him/her the handgun and the LEO came into the equation for any reason. But I could be wrong. OTOH, I wouldn't loan anyone one of my guns.
Actually now that I think about it how would the officer even know they didn't belong to the person transporting them.
If the person in question can legally own firearms in NJ it probably wouldn't be a problem. But with the way things work here anything could happen :rolleyes:
You should be okay with long guns, as they are not registered. If you have an FOID, you're legal- just make sure you have your FOID with you when you're transporting it.

With a handgun, don't risk it. NJ has a long and nasty history of being downright malicious towards gun folk- if you don't have the paperwork, don't transport the gun. It doesn't matter if you're of legal age, and it doesn't matter if you have a FOID card- if you do not have the records to prove you own a particular handgun, you could land in a world of hurt. Handguns are registered to one person and one person only, and if that person wants to let somebody else shoot their gun then they need to transport it to and from the range.

The only exception in NJ handgun law is for guns purchased before you were a resident of NJ; you are not required to register handguns already owned. However, no transfer of a handgun is legal in NJ without a purchase permit. IIRC there is no provision whatsoever for lending or borrowing... an FFL holder can transport guns for a client or customer who is the actual owner, but that's it.

I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV... nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Just another NJ gun guy who really wants to move to America. :rolleyes: