I was curious as to the effects of bore lapping a 4" revolver.
Is there a worthwhile accuracy increase?
Are there any other benefits? (BTW I use jacketed bullets so lead fouling is not an issue).
Are there any cons to a lapped bore in a 4" revolver.
The reason I as is because I think my S&W 686 SSR came bore lapped from the factory. When I look down the barrel the bore has an almost mirror like smoothness/finish to it. Also, the lands and grooves are not nearly as sharp as my other guns (except Glock).
I was curious as to the effects of bore lapping a 4" revolver.
Is there a worthwhile accuracy increase?
Are there any other benefits? (BTW I use jacketed bullets so lead fouling is not an issue).
Are there any cons to a lapped bore in a 4" revolver.
The reason I as is because I think my S&W 686 SSR came bore lapped from the factory. When I look down the barrel the bore has an almost mirror like smoothness/finish to it. Also, the lands and grooves are not nearly as sharp as my other guns (except Glock).
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