Boolit being sized when seated.


I am trying to reload 124 gr TC boolits cast with a lee mold. I cast the boolits out of pure lead with some tin. When I seat the bullets which drop at an average of .358 they become sized all the way down to .353. I'm using a lee seating die which came with my 4 die set, and am not using the post sizing die. I have pulled many boolits after seating them with the die being screwed in the recomended way as well as unscrewed as far as possible and the boolits are still being sized down to .353. Is this because I am using only lead and it is not hard enough, or is the problem with the seating die. Any input would be appreciated.
Are you saying the bullets are being shaved as you seat them, if so you need to flare the case a little more before seating the bullets.
Five thousanths is an awful lot to be sizing down just seating your bullets. You may want to verify that you're using the bullet seating die, rather than the factory crimp die. They look a lot alike, but the factory crimp die has enough body taper to do what you describe.
sizing while seating

My dimensional study shows that with typical cast bullet dimensions and brass case wall thicknesses, my bullets and cases each give about a thousandth. Pulled bullets show that about half of the bullet's give comes back because of elasticity of the lead bullet so the net of this is that with typical dimensions that bullet should be comming out of the case only about a half a though under the sized dimension, or in your case .3575.
Something else is going on.
They are not being shaved they are basically being squished when seated. I have used a large bell on the cases and it does not help. I read on another forum to try to use a .357/.38 expander and I am going to try that.
I'm gonna guess your lead is too soft, add some more tin maybe. When I have had some projos that dropped out of the mould a little large (mostly LEE TL that typically don't require sizing) but for whatever reason, dropped a tad on the large side, they would bulge the sized brass at seating. It really appears your lead is too soft.

okie out

edited to add: I gotta ask, but it appears obvious you are reloading for the 9mm. Although it's not exactly a straight wall case, I have yet to see any 9mm dies that utilize expander balls. And .357 to .358 would not grip a nominal .356 projo that most 9mm's will want to be fed.
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