Books to read in order to train for IDPA?


New member
I have read Ayoob's edition of "Combat Handgunnery" and just finished "Surgical Speed Shooting". Both excellent. Can anyone recommend a book that may specifically address IDPA training?
The only book I know of specifically directed at IDPA is
Practically Speaking, the Game, Guns, and Gear of the International Defensive Pistol Association
by Walt Rauch (IDPA Director & cofounder)

It is a slim little thing but should give you some guidance on how to apply what you have learnt about shooting in general.

You ARE shooting in addition to reading, aren't you?
Books are a good start, but the best training is to find an experienced upper level shooter, Master or Expert, that is willing to share info and spend some training time with you.
thanks guys...

Yes, Jim, I am shooting, too! In fact I won a local competition at the range 2 weeks ago with my Walther P99.
Thanks everyone else, for the recommendations. I appreciate it.