Books on hunting dragons?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I know of De Camp's "Gun for Dinosaur" and "Two yards of Dragon" there any others you'd recommend besides the abominable "Jurassic Park"?
I haven't tried it, but you might go to some of the science fiction publishers' websites and see what you can find. Maybe even ask via email.

I recall some other time-travel stuff in those lines, but I don't have the names committed to memory.

I assume you're interested in guns vs. dinosaurs, rather than the fantasy novels with fights against dragons?

Yep. Was curious about the logistics about of being away from any real base and having to content with big lizards AND dressing them, carrying the meat out, recepies :)
Oleg, there's the book "Time Safari" by, I believe, David Drake. IIRC, the hero used an M1 Garand modified to take BAR magazines, and custom ammo with DU bullets. (I actually saw an M1 modified this way once. Owner said it took a LOT of machine work.) What we "know" about dinos has changed since the book was written, but it's still a good read.

It's probably out of print. IIRC, you're up in MSP; if so, you might give Uncle Hugo's a call to see if they have it in stock.

There's also a thread on a gun for T-Rex over in General.

Good hunting!
One of the strangest books I've ever read was called "Blood Sport" by an author with the last name of Jones.
A very good read, really - a sort of weird philosophy study... Like, is man still a predator at heart? And is good and evil simply relative to the situation? Definitely and probably...
On a simpler level, it's about a trip up a river in upstate New York that winds through various time and space warps. It goes from 20th century New York to SE Asia, to Africa to Mongolia and all at different times. Along the way they hunt everything from Mau Mau's to Mastodons.
You can probably pick that up through I don't recall any dinosaurs but there are some good tips on filleting and cooking mastodon and wooly rhino's.
Just get any book by Elmer Keith and anywhere it says:

"X caliber is a good choice for Deer."

Cross out the word "Deer" and write in "Dragon."

Such as "the 458 Winchester Magnum is a good choice for deer but it is inferior to a .600 Nitro Express."


There is a novel around called "Footprints of Thunder" by James F. David.

Average read, but has a sequence where a guy goes Dinosaur hunting with a .458 (I think) all the while shouting:

'See what happens when you mess with a Toolmaker!!!!!!!!" :)
Dinosaur cookery: I guess you'd treat it like gator tail; cut it into chunks and deep fry it. Maybe a little mustard in the cornmeal/egg mix that you roll the chunks in before dropping into the boiling grease--Crisco, Mazola, Olive Oil, whatever. Dunno if dinosaur is as chewy as gator tail.

Probably tastes like chicken; everything else does...

Then, again--if they're warm-blooded, as some say, I guess you'd just treat them like a big cow that doesn't have much shoulder meat. Round steak for 20? Ribeye for six? There'd be some truly splendiferous "poison sacs"*, though.

:), Art

* Do a Search.
Oleg, if you want I could loan you David Drake's Time Safari. It is a good novel, the protagonist in that story does use M1 Garand, and later a M1a. But other characters in the book use rounds like the 9.3x 64, the 358 Norma, plus the mundane 458's, 460's, and 375's.

In Drake's novel they use heliocopters to hunt T Rex, and they have diesel powered vehicals to haul the heads [ie the trophys] around.
"Glory Road" by Robert A. Heinlein. Early Vietnam era vet and former college football hero goes on an interdimensional quest with the Empress of the Universes and her grandson. Wants to carry a Thompson or M-14 but ends up killing dragons, wild hogs, anthropomorphic bovine satyrs, giant rats, a giant ogre, and the Eater of Souls with sword and longbow.

Great stuff!

Art, the warm-blooded dinosaur hypothesis generally compares dinosaurs to birds, so you may be right about them tasting like chicken. I was kind of hoping turkey myself. Another hypothesis holds that the large meateaters were opportunistic carnivores, living mostly on carrion, so maybe old T-rex tasted like one of those old south Brewster County buzzards would- yechh!
I thought "Time safari" was literary potato chips.. Fun but not "good for you".

And remember some of the best hunting stories are real ones.. Look at Maneaters of Tsavo (in the back there is a section on WHAT to take to africa, as well as what to pay the bearers etc). Peter Capstick was crazy enough to kill a Cape Buffalo with a spear in one of his books. All real... there are plenty of books about Man and dangerous animals.. good and bad..

Try "clan of the cave bear" for group primitive hunting

Try "Journey to the Center of the earth" for a what to take with you on a midsummers day outing to hell

unless there is some sort of search engine for modern firearms and dragonslaying...

Good luck
I re-read Glory Road regularly. Last time I particularly enjoyed the "aftermath" part of the story. Will have to look up Time Safari.
One I read years ago, was called "By the Shores of Kansas" a great book on time travelers. In this one only certain individuals could travel back in time. Most of the time travelers could only go back to places were humans were already. Only one, Grant Ryals, could go back to the Jurrasic.

Pretty cool idea, actually. Not a whole lot to do with firearms as he carries a modified throwing ax and a knife, based on the principle that he couldn't carry a gun big enough to do any good.

Greg Bear came out with a sequel to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic "Lost World" that's pretty good. Set, as I recall, in the "30's. Not bad.

Dave Drake's novel is pretty cool as is the sequel who's title eludes me at present.

Of course, there is Edgar Rice Burough's Pellucidar series, starting with "At the Earth's Core" with the adventures of David Innes. Kinda hokey by today's standards but still cool!

I'll post more as I remember them.
