Books About Self-Defense


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What books about self defense are on your bookshelf?

What one book or set of books would you recommend to a new CCW holder?

book selection

In Gravest Extreme-by Massad Ayoob. The material about guns and cartridges is dated, but the overall idea of conflict avoidance, awareness, and responsibility is excellent, in my not so humble opinion.
Bulleyes Don't Shoot Back-Janich and Applegate. Good point shooting info, emphasizing short range and unexpected confrontation dynamics.
Later on, get Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights by Jim Cirillo. Makes you understand that handguns aren't very good fight stoppers, that practice is important, and also gives some enjoyable reading.
You will find detractors for Ayoob, but concentrate on the info, not the man. Do a search on this subject, I think it has been asked before. Good luck.

[Edited by Jhp147 on 03-15-2001 at 09:43 PM]
I strongly recommend "Bulleyes Don't Shoot Back"-Janich and Applegate. It describes real world conditions which are likely to be encountered in an actual defensive shooting.
Andrew Branca, "The Laws of Self Defense."

I second the nomination for Ayoob's and Cirillo's books.

I recommend some of Gabe Suarez's books as well -- in particular his books have good pictures that illustrate the points that he makes. Don't agree with everything Mr. Suarez says, but there's good stuff in there.

Principles of Personal Defense

Thanks Erick, forgot PPD. It is the most basic building block, THEN In Gravest Extreme.
All excellent suggestions. May I be so bold as to suggest
"Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi? It is a book of strategy and offers many insights into the mindset of the
warrior. Read it three or four times and it all begins to sink in. Regards, LBC.
Best Book's

If I could only own one it would be "Kill or Get Killed" by Rex Applegate. This is the bible of CQC.
Other great ones; "Get Tough" by Capt. W.E. Fairbairn, "Shooting to Live" by Capt. W.E. Fairbairn & Capt. E.A. Sykes, "Quick or Dead" by William L. Cassidy.
Applegate and Fairbairn are "the real deal". Thier techniques are combat proven. In other word's they work. Most (not all) other alleged expert's are trying to "reinvent the wheel". They are only in it for the money. Buyer beware!
If only one book then Cooper's The Principles of Personal Defense. Provides instruction/advice for mental aspect of defense, only lacks specific technique [ie just how do you attack this 300 lbs goblin effectivly]

Next to buy would be Dead Clients Don't Pay: The Bodyguards Manual by Leroy Thompson. Covers the nuts and bolts techniques needed to avoid trouble, spot it comeing, or stack odds in your favor. Teaches the basics of home/building security very well. Covers the basic types of weapons [handguns, shotguns, SMG's, rifles] and what they are realistically suited for. Also covers vehical security.

IMO if you buy those two books and read them [many times] and apply them you will be well covered. They will give you enough understanding to determine what specific skills you need to master to satisfy your needs/wants for personal, home, & family security.

For more specific skills related to self defense, but that don't really deal with self defense holistically.

For guns/handguns get:

Gabe Suarez's The Tactical Pistol
And Suarez's The Tactical Advantage
Rex Applegate's Kill or Get Killed

As to Ayoob his stuff is not worth buying to be honest. Most of what he has to offer, that is worthwhile, deals with the legal issues involved with shooting. Those issues would be bettter addressed by a local lawyer or thru CCW classes that some states require. Because they will reflect your state's specific laws.