Book title, author and source?


New member
I need some info from pros or amateurs please. I am a relatively new owner of two HPs; one is a new FEG clone and the other is a 1961 Herstal FN. I'm not sure I want to mess with these two myself, I'll be sending both to competent pistolsmiths when I have more info from them, but I'm dying to buy a clunker and fix it up myself.
What is the best book I can buy on detailed assembly and disassembly for the P-35? I've looked at a couple general pistolsmithing books but they left a lot out regarding the kind of info I need. If there is such a thing as a definitive text on smithing the HP, will someone let me know?
I have a lot of the tools I need but I've never tackled a gun as complicated as the ol' P-35.
I'll thank you in advance.

I just looked at..... and they offer a book on the care and feeding of the P-35. BROWNING HI-POWER PISTOLS by D. McLean, "A manual for the use, mantenance and repair of 9mm Parabellum pistols." Their price $10.47 + shipping. All major credit cards accepted.