BOOK Report: Gunfight


New member
Sounds like another look at the OK Corral, but it's actually a very thoughtful look at the 2A, how we got to Heller and, at least in author Adam Winkler's view, why the government will never be able to confiscate our guns ...

Winkler is a constitutional law prof (yep, just like Barry) at UCLA and while he is not a rabid gun fan, he does offer both sides of the current argument. He points out and emphasizes that we have always had both gun control and the freedom to own personal firearms.

While I learned a lot, mostly historical, this would be an excellent read for a friend or relative who's on the control side of the issue; I think it would convince him or her of the importance of the 2A in modern life and why the freedom to own and carry guns for SD is something worth fighting for.
I downloaded the "trial snipped," about 40 pages or so, to my Kindle recently. It certainly looks like a good read, and read it I will.
I thought it was an excellent book.

Some of the folks involved with Calguns put on a little dinner some time back, and he spoke. I sat at his table and had a good opportunity to speak with him.

He is thoughtful and even handed on the subject of guns and gun rights. I think he takes a very realistic view of things, although his perspective will raise some eyebrows among Second Amendment absolutists.
I think he takes a very realistic view of things, although his perspective will raise some eyebrows among Second Amendment absolutists.
That's what I've taken away from his work as well. He's somewhat in the middle, and his grasp of political reality is firm.