Bond Arms Derringer Hammer Play, (Or Wiggle). Let's Hear From Bond Arms Owners.

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I was wondering if any of you Bond Arms derringer owners could answer a question I have.

I recently purchased a Bond Arms derringer. It is a beautiful piece and solid and very well made. However, I noticed when the hammer is at rest or uncocked, there is noticeable play or "wiggle". When it is cocked there is no wiggle whatsoever.

I called Bond Arms and the gentleman there said the play was completely normal due to the construction of the hammer rebound mechanism. I just was wondering if you Bond Arms derringer owners could please check yours and see if there is play when the hammer is at rest.

It just seems weird that such a finely crafted piece would have the play.

PLEASE lets not turn this into a pro or con discussion about Bond or any other derringers. I just want to hear from Bond Arms derringer owners.

Thanks for your help!
Mine wiggles but this is not big deal as was explained to you by Bond Arms it has a rebound safety. This is not a defect.
Thanks for your feedback peggysue. It's not that I didn't believe the rep from Bond but I just wanted to see if other owners have the hammer wiggle.
i have three. none of them has much wiggle. i would believe the fine folks at bond. as you correctly noted b.a. pieces are rock solid, i doubt that there is anything a human can do to render one inoperable. they reliably go bang every time. enjoy.
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