Bomb threats close K-Mart Corp HQ


Moderator Emeritus
Heard on ABC news...
"Bomb threats prompted K-Mart to close its corp headquarters and give workers a long weekend off."
"Customer service phones have been jammed by angry NRA members"

Here we go..a subtle and not so veiled subliminal message that NRA members are terrorist bombers. Can demands for FBI infiltration and investigation of NRA be far behind? "Is your neighbor NRA? our local LEO tip line, reward and anonimity guaranteed"

No further details as of yet

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
We are in the midst of an aggressive campaign of defamation against a group of individuals based on their support of the second amendment.

You bet this is a setup, probably was called in by a HCI member.

So this is how the Jews in 1930's Germany felt.
Big, and probably obvious prediction, there goes the one stop shop for a can of pringles and a brick of .22 ammo. K-Mart will drop guns, I'll betcha........
Screw 'em.

Wal-Mart hasn't caved and they have everything K-Mart has and more.

At Wal-mart ya can go in, grab a Big Mac or Egg McMuffin and the Pringles and .22 brick :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I live in the Metro Detroit area, near Troy, where the K-Mart Corporation is HQ'd. Flipping between the news channels, I only heard one mention of the K-Mart closing, and no mention of the NRA in it. Methinks me smells an ABC rat...

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Actually guys - I am of the opinion that it was an employee who called in the threat - so they can have an extended weekend.

On second thought, we need to take a page out of the anti's play book.

When conversing on this subject, take the position that it must> have been the work of some HCI type who objects to K-Mart's sales of firearms. After all, why would an NRA member threaten a firearms retailer?