Bomb scare at work


New member
Went in to work today and started cleaning the bathrooms like I always do. I get a notice that the gate guard needs a break so I go out and and start opening the gate for people, anyway a truck comes in and both the driver and the passenger are wearing a turban. I'm thinking oh great, this will go well, I wonder how many of my co-workers will think them Arabic terrorists or could figure them as Sikh.
I start to look at the truck for identifying marks; nope, not a major trucking company, not a contract and if I can't identify the truck they have to sign in. There is a queue, and these guys have to wait a while so one of them talks to me, He sounds very proper, and there wasn't anything that made me uncomfortable or think there was anything odd. The gate guard came back and I went back inside to do my job. I didn't think any more about it. About fifteen minutes later we have to evacuate the building due to a bomb being in the building. What happened is those "suspicious guys"(they were referred differently, mainly having to do with rags, towels, and diapers) unloaded their truck and handed their paperwork to the wrong people, and when they found the paperwork it wasn't for the cargo delivered so it must've been a bomb. 3 1/2 hours later the MPs, K9 and EOD later it was discovered that the delivery guys just dropped off the wrong paperwork. Every single part of this has happened before but didn't send up warnings for the police to come, so why? Must have been the turbans!
Completely proper response. Sikhs' have been known to serve in the British Army and even the Highland regiments. We all know how the British feel about our RKBA.......

While the above is of course intended to be whimsical, I truly am not sure which scares me more. Another terror attack from extremists, or unilateral personal disarmament.

Back on topic, I would say we need to worry about breaches of protocol no matter who does them. This observer would be very surprised if the terrorists, both leadership and rank and file operators, were not aware of "profiling" since 09/11.

Even on 9/11 my understanding is that the attackers were fairly westernized in their appearance. Not sensing danger unless you see head wear you can't even properly identify can't be good.

Some of the European Muslims are virtually indistinguishable from Anglo Saxon Americans at a glance. Then there was the History Channel gangland show about the link between the street gang and Muslim extremists.
No offense, but your employer is allowing a security guard to delegate his duties to a non-security guard (I presume you don't usually do those duties), which leads me to guess that it had nothing to do with the appearance of the delivery men, and more to do with FUBAR paperwork.