Bomar revolver rib installation


New member
I've got a BoMar revolver sight rib that I'm going to have installed on my Model 14.

Is anyone familiar w/ the installation procedure?

I'm guessing that the existing barrel rib is removed, the barrel is tapped, and the bomar rib is screwed down onto the barrel - is this correct?

It'll be installed by a professional. I just want to understand what's involved.
If you have the right rib, all that has to be done is remove the front and rear sights, then drill and tap two holes. No need to remove the rib from the factory barrel. IF you have the right rib. If you don't, more work might be required.

Note that Bomar is out of business and these sights are no longer made.
Thanks Jim. I'd just assumed that the existing rib was removed due to the contour of the underside of the BoMar rib ( which I already have ).

It should be fine. It had previously been mounted on a Model 14, and the prior owner is a gunsmith.
Ought to be OK, then.
There were two Bomar ribs, one meant for the factory barrel, one meant for the 1 1/16" bull barrel commonly installed on PPC revolvers. Sounds like you have the one for the stock barrel.