Bolt action 16 Ga.


New member
Can anyone help me identify the first repeating shotgun I used as a kid? It belonged to my older brother who has since passed away.

Dad taught me to shoot with Grandpa's single shot 16 Ga, I was about 10 back then, dolling out the shells one at a time and I had to bring back a pigeon or such to get another shell for it. A miss ment I might not get to shoot again for several days.

My brother came out to the farm one day to take Dad Pheasant hunting, but Dad was busy so I got to go, First license and all (12) or so now.

Dad loaned me Grandpa's 16 and a pocket full of shells this time. Yahoo! My brother was using an Ithaca model 37 16 Ga and after we got out to the field we were going to hunt he let me shoot it a couple of times and wow what a difference, once I learned to rack the slide I could finally crank off a second shot much quicker.

Since my brother had also started with Grandpa's 16 he thought I was under gunned so he surprised me by letting me use the Ithaca and he got out his old bolt action 16 Ga. We limited out on pheasants and he promised to pick me up in the morning to go rabbit hunting.

On the rabbit hunt we switched and I used the bolt instead and really liked it. We made a deal that I would save my money and buy it for next year. Today for the life of me I can't remember who made it!! Grr... Unfortunately I didn't get to buy it back then my brother tradded it to a guy for a motorcycle instead. Seems he forgot about our deal.

Any way I'd kind of like to pick one up now but can't remember the brand or anything. Tried looking on Gunbroker and It's not like anything there. It had a tubular magazine that held four shells and the tube went up thru the buttstock. It also had a poly choke and mid barrel bead.

Everything I've found on gunbroker either has a box magazine or a tube that runs up underneath the barrel. Can someone please tell me what it was?
Well, Mossberg was the big maker of bolt action shotguns. However, as far as I know, all of them were box magazine fed. Various models of the 190 were chambered in 16 gauge.

Are you SURE that the rounds fed through a tube in the butt? That would make the wood in the wrist section of the stock VERY thin, or it would have to be very large to ensure proper strength.

JC Higgins offered a tube-fed (under barrel, though) 16 gauge, the 588.

There's a picture of one here:

H&R also made some, mainly for Sears.

But, once again, I believe that all of them had either box magazines or under barrel tubes; I know of no bolt action 16 gauge that fed via a tube magazine in the buttstock.
I still have a bolt action 16ga "Westernfield" ...that I've had for 50+ yrs ...and it has a box mag in it as well / built into the gun ---where you load it from the top ...( 2 in the mag / 1 in the chamber ..)...

I've never seen a bolt action shotgun that loaded from the stock either ...
Ditto on the Mossberg 190 16 ga. I still have a 190KB purchased new with my paper route money in 1958. Two in the clip and one in the chamber and a C lect adjustable choke. Used it for ducks and dove.
