Boise police: Man arrested after pointing gun at suspect's car during traffic stop

What was he thinking,,,

I wonder what he was thinking.

Was he initially gonna help the cops?

It really doesn't matter now what he was doing,,,
He'll probably be a felon and won't be able to own a gun.

He was probably thinking "if this guy makes a break towards my house, he is done".
The mistake he made was pointing the gun at the car, he should have never done that. Going out there gun in hand probably wasnt the best idea, in a holster would have been better.

How often do suspects manage to evade on foot police officers and take hostages or hold up in someones home? I can imagine where his head was, but I cannot condone how he went about it.
I'm sure the idiot thought he'd be hailed as a citizen hero for trying to help the police. Probably one of those dummies who has been dying to pull his gun on someone for something. :mad:

Now he might lose his right to own guns (maybe not a bad thing in his case), but since they booked it as a misdemeanor he'll just get fined instead.
His charge is:

18-3304.AIMING FIREARMS AT OTHERS. Any person who shall intentionally, without malice, point or aim any firearm at or toward any other person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and not less than five dollars ($5.00)

He got off lucky, I think. He could be dead.
My word, people like this really scare me. What did he think he was going to do? I bet this guy has lived out this fantasy in his head a thousand times. The cops corner a bad guy but can't get the job done, so he is forced to step in and save the day. The guy probably belongs on the loony bin.
+1 ^

I wonder if he's one of the people who post the "what would you do?" scenarios here on TFL. I get the feeling that there are some people who are not in touch with reality and they really think they're going to be heroes with their guns...

I support law enforcement officers, I'm all for the 2nd Amendment but when someone does something like that - they shouldn't be allowed to have a gun. They've proven themselves to be too stupid to shoulder that responsibilty.

Of course if we followed that logic we'd have taken the typewriters and microphones away from a lot of the idiots in the media also...
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I'm here to tell you, we have our Fair Share of Idjuts in the Great State of Idaho!

Given the (well deserved) reputation of the Boise PD, I am surprised this guy isn't in a hospital or the morgue. As a general rule (throughout Ada County), it's shoot first, ask later.
^ no shots...


It doesn't pay to be so high strung and twitchy and so eager to use your pistol that in the summer you mistake fireworks for gun fire.
Thats crazy but then again,,,.
I had a friends roommate/bro-inlaw come out of his room with a 9mm and wearing only his Correctional officer jacket [works night shift/sleeps days] and a pair of "Tighty Whitey's" while groggily saying "They'll need some backup" and proceeded out the front door to supposedly assist. This was after being awakened to a domestic disturbance across the street where the Police had arrived in full force. Luckily my friend and his wife grabbed him by his jacket collar and yanked him back in the house,,,,I just put my head in my hands and said "Geez"!

Not sure WHAT would have happened if he made it across the street but it makes ya wonder what goes thru people minds sometimes. I never bothered to ask him.
I suppose that idiotic behavior is nature's way of controlling our population, to bad it didn't work in this case. I hope no one lets this guy reproduce:D
I agree that the guy in the article was very lucky he did not get shot by the officers. Although something interesting is that he did the same exact thing the officers on the felony stop were doing by pointing his firearm at the vehicle, but he was the one charged and the officers were following policy.*

I am curious if he is going to try to defend himself in court by claiming he was trying to assist the police and, if so, how far that defense would get him (I am not saying that this is a good idea, but rather that it would be interesting to watch play out).

*Yes, I know that the police are the police and they do things that non-police don't normally do, but I still find the juxtaposition ironic.