BOHICA - the Virginia gun show loophole


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Monday, Nov 12, 2007 - 02:42 PM Updated: 03:04 PM

Retired State Police Superintendent Gerald Massengill said today he favors ending the so-called gun show loophole in Virginia.

The provision allows sales of weapons by unlicensed dealers without performing background checks. It was created to aid collectors in occasional trades and sales. [It was never "created" - there is no state law requiring a background check on private sales, just as there is no federal requirement.]

In a two-hour talk in Richmond to a non-profit group that is targeting the provision, Massengill said attempts to end it should not be argued as a threat to Second Amendment rights. [If not a threat to 2A, then what should it be called?]

Massengill said the loophole is worth ending if it slows gun violence, and said that private, unregulated sales could continue to occur using a family exemption. [So he is willing for the loophole to continue to exist, but just as a "teensy" piece of its prior incarnation. How nice to let me sell my guns to family members - I'm going to start collecting names of people to adopt. PM me if you are in Virginia & interested.]

Efforts to change the law in Virginia have failed in the state legislature the past five years, opponents said. [Any guesses as to why it failed? Could it be that lawmakers realized it was a suicide vote?]

Ending the loophole was a key recommendation of the Virginia Tech Review panel that Massengill headed to investigate the fatal shooting of 32 students and faculty on the Tech campus on April 16. [All of whom were provided absolute evidence that 1) Cho did not get his guns thru any "gunshow loophole" and 2) that there is no body of evidence to show that criminals are buying their guns from private sales at gunshows. But this is the best they can come up wuth as a way to stop a future massacre.]

Massengill told members of the Virginia Center for Public Safety today that he would personally lobby to end it if asked. [What Va State Senator or House of Delegates member will be the first to ask Massingill to deliver the kiss of political death by lobbying for a bill ending the "gun show loophole"?]-- Bill McKelway

OK, what needs to be done now?

Write Governor Kaine & tell him why this idea serves no earthly decent purpose. Explain why it addresses a solution in search of a problem, instead of addressing the attention onto the behavior of criminals. Ask him how he intends to address the subject if it comes before him.

Do the same for your VA State Senator & House of Delegates member. Remember to ask them to tell you how they will deal with the issue.

Mark down the MLK Monday holiday as the day to lobby your senator & delegate - either with VCDL or on your own.

Phone your Senator & Delegate to tell them you oppose any action in this direction. Tell them you want a clear statement of their position on the matter. Remind them that you will hold them accountable at the ballot box.

Write letters to the editor explaining why the "gun show loophole" is a soluntion in search of a problem. Remind them of the underwhelming evidence that shows any criminals buying their guns thru private sales at gun shows.

Repeat all of the above until you get a response that you are satisfied with. Do not let up. Keep the pressure on until these folks realize this idea of "repealing the gun show loophole" is not the solution they hope it might be.

And especially,

stay safe.


A solution in search of a problem if ever there was one.

stay safe.

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Massengill is a gun grabber of the first order, and his very membership on the Va Tech board of enquiry discredited the results.
