BOHICA from Feinstein


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Feinstein seeks assault-weapon ban
Senator's bill to go beyond state law

Mercury News Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- In wake of last week's shootings in Los Angeles, Sen. Dianne
Feinstein announced Tuesday that she will propose one of the most extensive gun-control
measures to date -- a national ban on the possession of assault weapons.

Feinstein's proposal would go farther than California's toughened assault-weapons ban,
which was signed into law by Gov. Gray Davis last month. Under that law, people who
already own assault weapons will be able to keep them as long as they register with the
state. Feinstein, D-Calif., would require anyone outside of law enforcement to turn in
their assault weapons or face criminal penalties.
They pull this off and they will be hurtling toward their own destruction via civil war! Time we got it over with anyway and restored the Constitution and Common Law instead of Admiralty Law.
Feinstein is a Isreali citizen who happens to have a job overseas as a US Senator. What other country would give a foreigner such a oportunity? Amerika is truly the land of oportunity.We deserve to be hammered by these enemies of our Republic. Kalifornians, where is your outrage of the fact that one of your Senators is a foreign citizen?
Did the voices tell you that Feinstein is an Israeli citizen? ;) She's a native Californian; any time she wants to leave, I'll help raise funds for a one-way ticket! :)
Looks like we have more useless legislation being proposed by one half of the sob-sisters from California. Big Surprise.

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
I've been thinking about these **s****s. If we could only get rid of a few of these idiots along with a few key press fools, we could perhaps restore our Democratic Republic to it's former glory.

Now, don't anyone take this to mean anything *other* than voting them out and getting rid of the press idiots through getting them fired or RIF'd! ;)
Ewok, she is a dual citizen so whats the difference. She is as illegal as a three dollar bill.No one wants to do the research on Feinstein. You call her office and see what kind of a reply you get. I dont even live near kalifornia and wish you people would get rid of her. But people like Feinstein count on the apathy of the masses.
I'm inclined to agree with Leadfoot. Let's (NRA, etc.) all just sit back and let it pass. Then when the confiscations begin, blood will flow and we can have it out and win or lose the revolution fair and square, instead of losing for certain in little increments year after year.
Could you provide a reference on Dianne Feinstein's "dual citizenship"? While this is not uncommon for Jews, I have a healthy dose of skepticism in the case of a US Senator.

Dianne Feinstein received a B.A. in History from Stanford University in 1955 where she served as Student Body
Vice-President from 1954 to 1955.

She was born on June 22, 1933, the daughter of a respected surgeon and professor at the University of
California at San Francisco Medical School. She is married to Richard C. Blum, Chairman of Richard C. Blum &
Associates, Chairman of the American Himalayan Foundation and Honorary Consul General of Nepal. Her
daughter, Katherine, is a Deputy City Attorney in San Francisco. She has one granddaughter, Eileen, and three
stepdaughters, Annette, Heidi and Eileen Blum. The family home is in San Francisco.
The link is either closed or won't work, but being a Kalifornian, I understand what my fellow US citizens are talking about. Although she is a Jew by religion, I do not know if she holds a dual citizenship or not...All I know is that I will fight and spend $$$ to remove her from any public role til I am DEAD!!!
She disgusts me...

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

[This message has been edited by Elker_43 (edited August 27, 1999).]
Guys, you seem to forget that she is a career politician (sp?). If we voted her out of the Senate, she would just run for the House. Schummer did that. Once she proposes a bill, she wont stop until it gets passed.

You guys can flame me for this, but I hope that she gets stabbed to death.
I share the disgust with Feinstein. To my mind, she is essentially a traitor, and therefore a dangerous individual. However, while many of us have strong emotions about some in the anti-self defense crowd, one strength of TFL has always been its civility.

It is inappropriate to suggest, wish or even discuss violence against our enemies, IMHO.

And, if we ever do come to blows in this country, it will be a very sad chapter. Witness what places like Yugoslavia have gone through. Civil war is brutally ugly, as all of us know.

Besides ... going down this road very far can lead to real legal problems, even in this country. My $.02, with all due respect.

Regards from AZ
Big Pig,
She carries a piece. I doubt anyone could get close enough.

FWIW, I would prefer to see he choke on a ham sandwich or pork rib.That would make an interesting spin.
did ya'll notice in that bio how the reporter showed an early propensitiy for using her "office" to get back at people....witness the overnight football request from the frat that drenched her in the shower...she denied their
The National assault weapons ban will eventually pass. They tried it in Cal. first, and if it becomes law there, it will set the stage for the national version. That is the way these low lifes do things. One step at a time. Try it in a local setting first, if it works, go national.