Body Type.

Hey All.

After reading several books, etc. I've seen a trend that body type can often affect bullet performance.

My question is, which body type most negatively affects JHPs:
Overweight, obese bodies or muscular, body builder types?
Only a guess

I don't have much data to back it up but I'd say obese. About 13 years ago I knew of a large (350 + lbs) guy who took 5 +p .357 JHP's all in the torso. Not only did he survive but he never lost consciousness and was able to talk the whole time.
Wouldnt the high water content in the fat guy's cell's cause alot more hydrolic shock, then the guy thats all muscles. If so does hydrolic shock attribute to alot of what stopping power is about? Just wondering..
+1 on the obesity being a problem. The problem is just the sheer thickness of body that must be penetrated to reach vital organs. With the US leading the world in obesity, it's not such a rare thing to expect either. :o
"Hydrolic shock" (or "hydrostatic shock") is complete and utter bull. Aside from the temporary wound cavity, there is no damaging transfer of energy through the body. In handgun bullets, the temporary wound cavity is seldom large enough to matter. Although, in rifles, it is possible for the temporary wound cavity to be large enough to show some of the effects of the hydrostatic shock fantasy.

Bullets stop by directly hitting and damaging critical organs, blood vessels, and nervous tissue.

That said, if you shoot a fat dude, he's definitely going to jiggle like jelly for a few microseconds. It might actually be amusing to watch in slow motion. My fat is hereby not volunteered to be the demonstration target.
Wouldnt the high water content in the fat guy's cell's cause alot more hydrolic shock, then the guy thats all muscles. If so does hydrolic shock attribute to alot of what stopping power is about? Just wondering..
1) Hydrostatic shock is really only applicable for rifles.

2) Even if hydrostatic shock was in effect for handgun calibers, fat tissue is not exactly vital for continued functioning. It would have to destroy something important.

I think fat would be the most practical effective bullet-stopping tissue type. Muscle might work better, but muscle, unlike fat, is not particularly expendable. Fat guys/gals are most likely to be a problem for projectiles. Seems us short skinny people have a problem. Supersize me! (not really)
carbine, so what you're saying is that instead of issuing kevlar to our troops we should issue cream cheese!

i bet it would save a few bucks at least

Yep, the past 5 years, I have been really bulking up with tactical fat. :o :D I think I may have some tactical pizza, donuts, and supersized McMeal today in fact :cool:
"Hey All.

After reading several books, etc. I've seen a trend that body type can often affect bullet performance."

Ok, but what books ect have you perused that lead to asking the question? What indicates 'a trend'? Are you just making this up?
Well, I am not sure what the detailed thesis of the books is, but it is a known fact that shooting obese persons is problematic for "stopping power". The reason is, if you add a 6" layer of fat to a healthy build, there is a good chance that a handgun bullet won't penetrate enough to reach the vitals.