Body Armour 2

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Quite a few months ago I asked why would someone want body armor. The usual answer was "Because I can" or "Because i want to.

Here we are July 8th. 2016 and a trained military man with high grade military BAand military grade rifle goes out on a killing spree. The LEOS ammo couldn't penetrate his BA. He had so many clips of 17 round ammo that they were falling out of his pockets. All of those LEOS murdered and wounded. These men & women are out there protecting us and we allow creeps to get almost anything they want without any oversight or concern.

So, does one say, well everyone should have body armour from your wife, kids going to school or going to Church on Sundays. Wow! What a great idea.

Does anyone see where this is going? Please explain to me why this is allowed or sanctioned under the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. I supposedly have freedom of speech. But, if I make racist comments or verbally threaten someone, my butt is in big trouble.

My LEO friends are so angry and very concerned for their lives because more and more BGs are conducting a war against our LEOS or anyone who gets in their way.

What next? Rocket Launchers, Uzis, gee how about Napalm?? Please explain to me why anyone can go online and buy this type of ordinance or any type of Body Armour.

I have been carrying a revolver since 1970 legally. I had a 4" Colt Python that gave me plenty of fire power then and plenty of fire power now. The Python was retired and was replaced with 4" Ruger GP100.

So perhaps we should stop being infantile and selfish and do everything we can to protect our LEOS. They truly deserve this.
...would you even entertain the idea that making ______ unlawful would prevent or stop or slow a psychopath murderer bent on mayhem?

Your rant suggests that the clearest and easiest path would simply be to make it ILLEGAL TO KILL, and there you go, problem solved.

I don't think body armor is the problem.
Its a problem with in the culture of a group of ppl with in the coutry.
Explain why body armor, which is a passive device incapable of harming anyone, unless thrown REALLY hard, should be inaccessible to civilians? Do you think the former Army construction worker couldn't have arranged to bring his Interceptor Vest off base? I've seen them for sale here and there, so someone is getting them out. But to say that because someone misused a device is grounds for everyone to lose access to that device, is the exact same reasons anti rights groups use to justify their unconstitutional power grabs for control.
Perhaps you should look back in time, when ordinary citizens could LEGALLY buy MORTARS...and used to have mortar meets in the desert. Nobody got shelled. Machine guns used to available for mail schools were shot up.
Why in the name of unholy coyotes is this even a subject, instead of WHY did this former soldier feel the need to deliberately murder 5 Dallas police officers? Is this going to be investigated as a hate crime and lets make sure we have all the suspects - too many reports about cross angle shooting for me to be comfortable with just one suspect.
But you worry all about that horrible evil bullet resistant vest in my safe, as it drives men mad with power and hate, I guess...I'll have to look at it again, make sure that pentagram didn't re-appear...
What is it that you want to restrict Doc? Body armor? High capacity magazines? Semiautomatic rifles?

I too am angry and afraid of where this is going. More restrictions on weapons and gear will not fix the problem though. Cultural and racial division in this country is the cause and that is not an easy fix. Blaming weapons does nothing to address the underlying issues.

I too have LEO friends who are shaken by recent events. Let's not give up our liberty for the sake of the illusion of safety.
Any argument for or against "body armor" being legal would have to be made without the second amendment, IMO. Body armor is not "arms". Keeping and bearing "arms" is irrelevant to body armor.

But, your rant is filled with error and linguistic trickery.

A semi-auto rifle is not "military grade".

You can legally make all the racist comments you'd like and your butt will not be in big trouble.

My LEO friends (and I have many, state, local and county) are no more concerned today than they have been in the past.

We do not "allow creeps to get almost anything they want". There are already all manner of things illegal, including the "uzi" you mentioned... assuming you mean the full-auto one... and yet these "creeps" continue to do what they've done since before this stuff was not only legal or illegal but even invented.

Napalm, BTW, is perfectly legal in (most?) many places. It's basically Styrofoam and gasoline.

Your comments on your carry gun suggest the same old tired "I don't want it so you can't have it" foolishness that has brought about the tired, old, foolish gun control "compromises" in the past.
Someone once brought a catalog in to the office, from a vendor of 'clandestine' goods, you could write out a check and receive at your doorstep not only body armor, but police jackets, hats, surveillance and listening equipment, whatever you wanted to either impersonate a cop or agent, eavesdrop on the neighbors, including the ones two blocks away, etc., etc.

We all pretty much agreed the barn door was open and closing it was meaningless.

The stuff is already out there, has been for years. Nothing we can do about it.

The crime is that of using it illegally, not buying it.
Are you serious? So now there ought to be a law restricting body armor? As already mentioned, body armor is purely defensive. So a policeman's life is more valuable than mine? Utterly flawed thought process. Think Animal Farm; we're all equal, just some are more equal than others. I sometimes work in private security and have two vests; a light level IIIA and a heavy Level III. I have them because they may save my life, and you're telling me that because I'm a civvie that I should not be able to have access to them? Perhaps the police should have received the training that I did; if a person is wearing armor, you aim for the thigh area. A hit there will put someone down.
Let's try this. Why did you or will you buy body armour? Give me one legit reason
besides I can. Other than military or LEOS Why do you need BA?
I think it's ludicrous that either of you think so much of yourselves that one of you demands folks "give a reason" and the other believes they might have the authority or ability to think for others.

You're both worthy of a laugh at best.
Doc the legitimate reason I can own body armor, is because there is no legitimate reason why as a free man and law abiding citizen I can't. That one armor wearing idiot killed some innocent men who were trying to protect us is not a legitimate reason to make body protection illegal. Those who would take your freedom will not stop with body armor or high capacity weapons or high-end night vision gear. Do you understand these people would also take your freedom to legally carry a revolver? Maybe even to own one?

We have given up all sorts of things to those who would have the government take care of us. How is that working out?
If the government can have it but I can't we no longer live in a society of equals, we live in a society of masters and slaves.

I for one plan to get a carrier and some rifle plates to supplement my IIA vest.

If the CHL holder who was shot by the police had a vest on he'd be alive right now, so there's one good reason.
"Why do civilians need __________?" Are you not hearing yourselves? You are saying exactly what the liberals say to justify every encroachment of the second amendment we've endured so far.
Why don't you invite the powers that be to demand a legitimate (according to their opinion) reason for everything you own??
In answer to your question Doc:
I might want body armor to protect myself if I am ever compelled to exercise my right to bear arms for the very reason the second amendment was written. (If you're not sure why it was written, I suggest some research)
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights does make police work challenging at times. The alternative is very unpleasant.
I will quote an earlier post of Sequins. He answered this very well, and I am done:

I say this with all the respect I can muster for you and your apparent worldview, please try to take this to heart and perhaps read some philosophy on the subject, because you are literally a part of the problem if you think the solution to anything is to restrict rights. If you think 5 lives matter more than a free state you are simply wrong.
Let's try this. Why did you or will you buy body armour? Give me one legit reason besides I can. Other than military or LEOS Why do you need BA? "

Here's one answer :

Let's try this. Why did you or will you buy a gun? Give me one legit reason
besides I can. Other than military or LEOS Why do you need a gun?"

Are you beginning to see the irony here?
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