Body armor


New member
I have been searching around trying to find good info. Some places say it is legal to sell some are questionable. Anyone have a good source of info that is reliable?

I have a friend that went to Iraq as a contractor. She had her own Point Blank body armor with plates in a size medium. When she returned she left some stuff with me and told me to get rid of it all. She was moving around and traveling. I had helped her out a lot with stuff while she was gone and she crashed at my place when she got back. So I got to keep any money I made off of selling this stuff. Only thing I have left is the body armor. I would like to get rid of it, but don't need to get in trouble doing it.

Yes I realize that advice from the internet is worth what you pay for it and it is free. Just can't seem to track down a good answer. If I can get one I will be listing it for sale

Do a search for your state's statutes regarding body armor
Some states allow it and some don't, and without reading the actual statutes you won't know for sure just based on what sellers tell you
There are no Federal laws on the books prohibiting the sale of body armor between US citizens on US soil that I have ever encountered.

I think that some body armor may fall under the controlled export item designation, (like some scopes do), but I can't think of any reason you would be selling to someone in another country.

Anyways, I've bought plates over the internet, and a plate carrier at a store with nothing more than a credit card. So if your state doesn't have any weird laws regarding body armor, sell away.

There are no Federal laws on the books prohibiting the sale of body armor between US citizens on US soil that I have ever encountered.
That's not much of a defense if it's illegal according to your state's laws

There are no Federal laws against hollowpoint ammo, but that won't keep you out of jail if you're caught with them in NJ

One has to comply with all the laws to be safe

Try reading to the end of my post next time, you know the part where I advise the OP to check to see if his state has any weird laws involving body armor.

Yes I realize that advice from the internet is worth what you pay for it and it is free.
If you believed this, then you would not be asking. The first two answers given are accurate.

I was hoping someone had experience with it and maybe had a link to a site with the answer.

I am going to check to see what Virginia has to say about it.

Thanks all for the replies

checked on it in VA and found a link saying that VA only issue is selling to a felon but that it is not on the seller to determine that.
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Does the vest have an expiration date printed on it? I know some vest actual do and are supposed to be replaced after that date. Have you considered selling it to a retailer like an Army-Navy store, Pawn Shop, etc?
I thought about that. Problem is they are going to low ball the crap out of me on it and then turn around and sell it high. Why not cut out the middle man, I make some more money on it but the person buying it still gets it cheaper then if they bought it at the store
If its concealable body armor, go check with management of any bars around you that employ bouncers/security, see if they would buy it for their security staff.
It isn't concealable. This is the Point Blank Interceptor Body Armor. It is in the Army digital camo. You can attach gear holders to it.
You'd be lucky to get anything more than $400 for it. I'm talking vest with soft ballistic inserts AND the sappi plates. The IBA is no longer current military production, they moved on to the IOTV format years ago. When I was stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC (July 2010 - Jan 2013) you could buy the vest w/ soft inserts at any corner pawn shop for $200 or less. Plates could usually be found privately (CL) for $150 - $200 per set.

You don't have any money tied up into the vest, why stress over squeezing every penny out of the setup? A pawn shop probably can't even legally buy/sell the sappi plates, at least they couldn't in NC.

I would honestly be interested in the vest, I was bummed when I had to turn mine in. PM me and we can discuss details if you're interested in selling.
There's your hook up, right there. :) Just for academic purposes - it's in the old ACU gray/green pattern, not the new pattern?