Bob's Gun Parts - Royal Ar


New member
Have any of you done business with them recently ? They are advertising Ithaca parts and I faxed them but got no answer. I also just emailed them today.

Sorry if you see this in multiple places.

Bob's Gun Shop po box 200 royal ar 71968

They're usually super busy, and don't usually respond to inquiries, as replies just eat up too much of their time.

I've always simply sent them an order, accompanied by a check - If it's in stock, I usually get the item ordered in a week or so; If the item's out-of-stock (rarely), I've gotten my check returned.

believe it or not, they answered my email this time almost immediately, unfortunately no 16ga Ithaca parts
I actually live about 90 miles from them and have toured the factory. They do have parts available, however they are of the updated designs. I have bought parts from them.

The old ones, such as made in the late 40's through early 60's are of a more graceful design. Later than that, there were some "improvements" made to reflect the cost of labor.

I scavenge old parts whenever I can for the guns that I am building up. Newer guns, assembled with older parts gives you the best of both worlds.
Order the parts, either on line or by mailing a check. If he has the parts he will ship. If he doesn't, your payment will be refused/returned.
Order the parts, either on line or by mailing a check. If he has the parts he will ship. If he doesn't, your payment will be refused/returned.

I guess you must have been ducking cause that one flew right over your head and I guess you didn't recognize tongue in cheek humor.

The comment about ITHICA vs ITHACA is spelling. The CORRECT way to spell it is ITHACA, is now and has always been ITHACA.

ITHICA is a mistake on his website.

As far as that goes I am not going to send anyone money just hoping they will have what I need, because all you have to do is wait a little bit and it will show up on eBay eventually.

That business model, the equivalent to spray and pray shooting just doesn't cut it.

Based on the comments that I got from around the web, he needs to get his act together, so that he will have a business. People are getting the feeling he just doesn't care.
Since Bob's overwhelmed with business, I would suggest his business model/plan is working for him.

Maybe he is overwhelmed because he is not organized ?

Not from me, nor from the other's that responded.

Feel free to mail him a check and hope something comes back when you need it.

That is just completely ludicrous thinking.

A person takes a gun to get repaired and the gunsmith tells him "I mailed a check to this guy hoping he has the part. If it shows up in a couple weeks, I will fix the gun, if it doesn't I will start over".

If someone told me that, I would take my gun somewhere else to get fixed.

Maybe you wouldn't.

It's a free country, so it's nice to spend your $$ wherever you like.

FWIW, as posted, I aleady HAVE sent in payment, several different times in fact - we're not talking the National Debt, here :p - and have always gotten either what I ordered or my funds back.
