bobcat hunting question


New member
i'm looking for a little advice on the best way to hunt bobcat. how bout that scent loc and all that stuff, seems a bit excessive to me, but i've never done this so i don't know. just curious really, i want to hunt something in the off season of deer, but i've never tried bobcat hunting and i figured i might. any help would be great, thanks
I have never actually hunted bobcats, but instead find them a PITA when I am hunting coyotes.
I have driven down dirt roads, played a call (dying rabbit) and had bobcats come right up to the truck. I call them in so often that I no longer shoot at eyes because I don't want to shoot bobcats. They seem to be very stupid and seem to not be able to resist the call no matter what. The last one I shot was within 10 feet of my truck with both doors open, the interior lights on, the headlights on and my buddy and I talking. I first spotted the eyes at about 150 yards. I couldn't believe how fast it came in. It basically heard the call and ran full tilt right to the truck.
Over hounds is the best way INMNSHO. The thrill of the hound music and the strenuous chase is most memorable. Gotta find someone who is a hound handler if you're not.

Second would be calling them in with a predator call. Need someone who calls or get your own and learn the ins and outs. Takes a while.

Then, spot and stalk - good luch finding 'em. Most elusive. Use binocs at the least and stay still and camoed up.