Bobcat Down!


New member
This morning my daughter and I were up early before school. I had the day off so I asked her if she wanted to have some daddy-daughter time this afternoon and do some calling. She agreed so I picked her up from Kindergarten and we headed out. I had snacks and all the gear ready. Last month I brought my girls out calling for the first time and we got a fox Story here:
Fox Hunt

I had a spot picked out I wanted to try. We got settled on our chairs and I wrapped her up in the camo blanket I got her for her birthday for this purpose. Called for just over 20 minutes and was just about to pack it up when I saw something coming. It was heading for cover behind the call and it was fairly thick so instead of really identifying what it was I signaled to my daughter where to look and then got ready. I saw the animal (I was at first thinking fox) thru some thick stuff and then disappeared behind a big pine tree. When it didn't pop right out from the other side I realized that it may very well be a cat. The longer it didn't pop out the more I expected a cat face to appear. Sure enough after at least a minute is slowly walked out and stopped and my suspicion was confirmed. I slowly raised up the shotgun and flattened it, 15-20 yards max.

We were both very excited, bobcats are always a very welcome surprise!

Our chair and blanket setup:

Underneath attire:

She's not a bad little photographer either:

My youngest was excited too:

I don't know how you do it. my son is 7 and already in the "guns are bad" camp bad hunting is "cruel". i'll make sure to record that now, so 11 years from now when he's wanting my guns, I can play it back for him.

Wow, that's one perdy bobcat! Is that your first one or have you got some Bobcats before?

Yessir this is a really nice one, can't wait to get the pelt back. It's my third bobcat and it's my best one, way bigger than the other two I've killed.

I don't know how you do it. my son is 7 and already in the "guns are bad" camp bad hunting is "cruel".

I only know what works for me, but first and foremost they have never heard "gun are bad" or "hunting is cruel" from my lips even once, and if somebody words something to the contrary I make sure I tell them what I think about it. As far as hunting and killing go, I explain and expose them to it. They know what's for dinner and they know where it comes from. It's ok to think animals are cute and cool, they are or can be. But sometimes they are also dinner. Or fur coats. It has ever been thus.
Gee's that's a nice cat. Don't usually see them big ones. (Smart critters.) No wonder the pictures. I see some littl Pals there too with their daddy.> Cute!! No doubt about that. :)
They are protected in Ohio as we don't have huntable numbers here. That would make a nice full body mount. Congratulations!
Congrats on the cat, pretty animal for sure.

Killed one a few seasons back that was about that size. I was going to mount it but I put too big a hole in it for the taxidermist to fix and make look right on a full mount. Had a nice older cat that was all silver and black spots with white face come out, it was out of season and I'd of ruined it with the 7mm08.
That sound good, I'll have to try that next time. I crock pot them to make sure they are done and are tender. They are very good eating, always a bonus to get a cat.