Bob Stewart Hearing Scheduled.


Alert for Phoenix


Please broadcast this message to all of the top gun rights activists in the list. This coming Monday Jan. 29th at 1:30
p.m. at the old Fed. Dist. Court, Bob Stewart will have an Evidentiary Hearing.

We really NEED all the men, and women, and children who support an individual's right to keep and bear(and
manufacture) arms for their own defense to be there to show support in the Court for Bob Stewart.

Folks should come dressed nicely, not fancy but nicely as the press and media will be there to again suck on the toes
of their keepers---government.

This request comes from Bob Stewart himself. Any questions, problems, issues. Just call me.

Same Place

The next Bob Stewart hearing is tomorrow (Monday) at 1:30PM. Some have asked about the address of the federal court.

Here it is:

This is Fed. Dist. Court at 1st Ave and Van Buren in Phoenix. The court has not moved into its new home--The Sandra Day O'Connor Bldng.
I was there on my "lunch break" for an hour. We had 36 of us show up including Big-L Libertarian Party official and para-legal, Liz Andreasen and Angel Shamaya of (one .com you all should support with your membership money). Angel will have a detailed report, I am sure.

The main point that was being wrangled over was that Bob Stewart was being charged for having a legal kit which the Feds-weenies are saying is "readily convertable to a firearm." Bob's attorney was trying to hammer the point home that the standard the Feds are using, "readily convertable to a firearm" is a standard for a different statute (Machine guns, not just single-shot rifles) and comes from a court case (Smith) which dealt with machine guns.

At this point, I am over my pay grade.
