Bob Barr sides with ACLU against local law enforcement help with illegal immigration


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Bob Barr sides with ACLU against local law enforcement help with illegal immigration.

From ACLU website:
To say Bob Barr is a controversial figure is an understatement. When he represented Georgia in the House from 1995 to 2003, he was a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage rights, was an adamant supporter of the War on Drugs and led the charge to impeach President Clinton.

Well, times have changed since Barr left office. In 2002, he consulted with the ACLU on data privacy issues, and now he’s lobbying for the Marijuana Policy Project.

For conservatives unhappy with McCain as our candidate, I’ve heard a few mention Bob Barr as an alternative for their protest votes. Make sure you know who your voting for before you do so, and make sure if your protest is that of principle that you share the same principles with whom you pull the lever for. For some conservatives, Bob Barr’s teamwork with, and membership in the ACLU is enough to drop consideration. He has also sided with the ACLU on the immigration issue, opposing local law enforcement from helping to enforce immigration law.

However, for those that lean a little more towards the libertarian side, a list of reasons to question Barr on these principles:

Certainly, it seems ironic that the man who was once congress’s greatest champion of the “War on Drugs” is now the leader of a fringe party devoted to opposing it. A man who rails against overspending in Washington himself voted for No Child Left Behind, which libertarians hate. A man who was one of the main movers and shakers in the impeachment trial of President Clinton, which most libertarians opposed. A man who voted for the Patriot Act, but has now spent the last five years speaking out against it.

Hardly a principled conservative alternative.
Bob Barr has always been for Bob Barr. But I guess that could be said for most politicians.

Electile Disfunction: the inability to get excited about any Presidential candidates.
I would not vote for Barr. He has done too many flip flops on too many issues. He certainly is no libertarian, and I don't think he is much of a Republican either.
To be fair, he IS running as a Libertarian, and his position is not consistent with LP positions on drugs and immigration.

I think it is downright funny that conservative Republicans who are disenchanted with their own candidate are now angry that they can't take over the LP and call the shots there.
I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Barr speak several different times at the Libertarian National Convention and I will admit that I was extremely skeptical of him and his newfound libertarian sensibilities. But he has convince the Marijuana Policy Project that he is no longer in favor of the drug war. He has also convince many Libertarians. He has convinced me that he stand on the drug war is now the libertarian stand.

The Libertarian view on immigration is this: that all PEACEFUL people should be allowed to cross national borders without restriction. However, while we believe that the current laws are too restrictive, we do not advocate letting those who have broken current immigration laws have a free pass to citizenship. As there is currently a legal path to citizenship, we expect those coming to our country to make use of it.

OK. I just read his position on immigration and, while I do not agree with all of it..I believe that it is a huge step in the right direction. He proposes eliminating the benefits that are afforded illegal aliens such as welfare and free medical care. I agree. If we take away some of the incentive for coming to America on a handout..then hopefully most of those who will come here will do so legally and will be honest, hardworking individuals who only want a better life for themselves and their know...kinda like most of our ancestors!!

I did not vote for him when I was a delegate at the convention. Hell, I walked out of the conference room in protest when he won the nomination. But my stance toward him has softened the more I have heard him speak. It takes humility to admit publicly that you were wrong and he had done so on many occasions. He's not perfect but he's not the devil incarnate either.

I won't vote for him as the "lesser of three evils" But just maybe he isn't the evil that I initially imagined him to be. I'm trying to give him a fair shake. My vote isn't automatically his just because he is a Libertarian..but it is possible that he could earn my trust. And he's a damn sight more libertarian than either Obama or McCain.

He has ALWAYS been a proponent of individual privacy rights. He is unequivocally a supporter of our right to keep and bear arms. From his website: "The Second Amendment guarantees all Americans the means to hunt, protect themselves and their families from crime, and ultimately defeat any effort to impose tyranny in America." He favors drilling for our OWN oil.

He's not a perfect libertarian but he's better than McCain or Obama..