Boarded the crazy train tonight


New member
Sometimes finding a spare part leads to another part--and then another part, and then...wonder if I could put something together out of these parts?

Tonight I went off on a tangent that was kinda fun. With the appearance of large rifle magnum primers on the market again (I haven't seen them in years for sale commercially) I've started rousting out some of my magnum rifles again. I recently ordered a Savage 110 magnum action for a .257 Weatherby build--and it came with not only a bolt but a 20 MOA rail, nice trigger guard and even bottom metal for AICS magazines and a 300 WM magazine. Except for my LRH in 338 lapua magnum--I don't have any conventional stocks that use AICS magazines. I had an old savage pattern Boyds stock lying around--I wonder if it would fit in here methinks. It did, sorta, but it took some grinding in the inlet to get the bottom metal and guard to fit so the action screws wouldn't torque the action when tightened. The action I used was unfortunately a bottom bolt release, but I simply cut a slot below the bolt handle and can reach in with a screw driver or hex key and easily activate the bolt release as I have on my chassis rifles. Much to my surprise--it all works. Well, almost. the magazine I couldn't get to fit properly and I wasted a bit of time trying to figeure what was wrong--before I realized that the bottom metal is actually patterned for 338 lapua magnum magazines. My 7mm STW seemed to fit the bill for long cartridges--and so far everything seems to work as it should.



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Edit to the above comment--while the bottom metal is identical to the one on my 338 LM--what I didn't know was that there is a CIP magazine for 300 winmag that goes out to 3.850"--the other two I have go to 3.750. Who knew?:o

Edit Edit: Just went out and found out that neither the 338 LM nor 300 winmag AICS magazines work with a cartridge that's very close to the 375 H&H. Bummah (fortunately a couple companies do make em--but they ain't cheap!)
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Good land!
I'm coming to you if I ever get the rifle crazies.
Let us know how it shoots.

P.S. I've always had a strange desire to get a .375 H&H magnum. No earthly use for me in Minnesota but still...
P.S. I've always had a strange desire to get a .375 H&H magnum. No earthly use for me in Minnesota but still...
The 375 H&H is the "ultimate" mother of magnums; the classic of classics!

"But it has a belt!"

"Run Forest, run!":D

The 7mm STW I have shoots pretty well, but it IS NOT a target gun and is probably at the top of the heap (along with the 7mm RUM) among the quickest self-destructing chamberings. Mine is well down the path towards retirement, I doubt I have more than a few hundred cartridges down the bore.

I'd love to have an old classic 375 H&H.
DaleA, I suggest you follow stagpanther into crazy land and find a good 375. Life is short! And believe me, you can imagine a use for such a rifle.

Stagpanther, what set you off to Weatherby country? It's a wonderful round, of course, Roy's favorite it's said.
What sort of barrel life can one expect with .257 Weatherby? In looking at the velocities it produces with relatively light bullets and the large charges of slow burning powder used in its reloading data, I can't imagine it would be very long.
Can't provide a number, but I can tell you the Mark V I bought on GB went back to Wyoming for a new barrel after my first range session. And it wasn't that old. I suspected that would be the case and bid accordingly. Besides letting it cool between shots, I limited load development and called it good with a 120 Partition over IMR-7828 SSC. No playing with a bunch of bullets on this one. Strictly a hunting rifle in my book.
Stagpanther, what set you off to Weatherby country? It's a wonderful round, of course, Roy's favorite it's said.
My first experience with a Weatherby was with their 300 Wby mag--as soon as I discovered what a fantastic flat-shooting, huge point blank range and hard hitting powerful cartridge it is I was instantly hooked.
What sort of barrel life can one expect with .257 Weatherby? In looking at the velocities it produces with relatively light bullets and the large charges of slow burning powder used in its reloading data, I can't imagine it would be very long.
I've never fired or owned a .257 Weatherby, so I can't answer that, but being a very fast .257--like all the other very fast .257's--I assume there will be an overbore penalty when driven hot and/or with rapid follow-ups.
Besides letting it cool between shots, I limited load development and called it good with a 120 Partition over IMR-7828 SSC. No playing with a bunch of bullets on this one. Strictly a hunting rifle in my book.
There is no written law that says you have to drive them at maximum velocity.;) I too limit the velocities and allow 3 minutes or so between shots in 3 or 4 shot sets. Weatherby has a MOA or less guarantee for all their rifles of 3 shots at 100 yards--I've never shot one--even their 416--that couldn't meet or beat that--most of them easily exceeding that at greater ranges. That's not to say a lemon occasionally doesn't make it out the door, like with anyone, I've seen it happen. Any barrel-burning potential cartridge I always examine the bore with my borescope after shooting to carefully monitor what's happening with the throat.
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Back to the 7mm STW in an AICS magazine issue--I've read online that it should work in a AICS 338 LM pattern magazine; but judging from the one I have that's a no-go because the shoulder rib stamped into the sides of the magazine are too far back and will trap the 7mm STW shoulder after inserting a second cartridge. Modifying an aluminum or polymer rib is in the realm of possible for me--but a stamped steel one--forget it.
I pulled the 7mm STW action back out and will try the new .257 Weatherby build--if the barrel ever gets here. It was shipped via Fedex and they lost track of it last Thursday--but they found it again and now say I should expect it tomorrow. In a bit of serendipity, even though the AICS magazine won't work with the 7mm STW--it does allow the .257 Weatherby case along with the new high SD 257 bullets seated far past a "traditional" Weatherby .257.
Good luck, with FedEx! At least you can single feed it and decide if you want to invest in magazines later. If your barrel arrives.
Good luck, with FedEx! At least you can single feed it and decide if you want to invest in magazines later. If your barrel arrives.
The barrel has gone off the radar again and there is no "out for delivery" that matches the previous "estimated delivery" date. I'm not sure if this means the package is wandering around, not being scanned, or, more likely, part of their "pay to know" service which all the other delivery services have cottoned to. Simply put, they won't tell you the "real" status unless you pay a fee for the information. A bend-over fee.
BTW--I know the field of users that would be interested is pretty small--but XLR industries DOES make an AICS magazine that takes the big mags with far-forward shoulders--so things like 375 H&H, 300 RUM, 300 Weatherby mag and 7mm STW can be used in it. Their chassis look pretty interesting too, I've never used one but might try one out.
XLR full-size 375 H&H/300 RUM/300 weatherby AICS magazines came in this morning--and I'm happy to report that true to advertising I can fit 5 full-length/ full shoulder forward 3.750" cartridges and feed them into my crazy train project with no issues; except now I'm popping my 7mm STW on it. A bit pricey--but the magazines are beautifully made and there is nothing else that will do the job as far as I know.



The brass, by the way, is formed from PPU 375 H&H brass and has had quite a few firings so far with no signs of stretching or splitting. I also bought some custom 7mm STW brass and they have not lasted well with stretching and splitting. The PPU brass appears to be tougher stuff.


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I finally got around to grinding the bottom inlets down and bedding the inlets for AICS pattern bottom metal and trigger guard. Here it is after popping the action and bottom metal off. Getting the bottom metal--which is heavily angled from the rear to front--to align just right so it does not torque the action screws was quite challenging for me. Not the prettiest job, but as long as it supports that's all I care about.


While I was at it I ground the pistol grip down some--I found it to be way too deep and hooked for my tastes, plus far back enough that under heavy recoil every now and then it gave a good knuckle-cracking when pinching the rear bag.


Extra-wide mag well for AICS 3.80 300 RUM/375 H&H magazine.



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I've been having issues with getting consistent groups (regardless of what the action is mounted on) so instead of trying the big super high SD 284 bullets I'm going to experiment with a lighter bullet--in this case the 140 gr ttsx. QL says it should be screaming along somewhere between 3,400 and 3,500 fps.




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