Boar ?

chris in mo

New member
I am looking for some informatin about using a rangefinder for boar. I know a common measurement for whitetail is the width of the chest etc... What I need to know is a measurement that is fairly consistent in boars. I need to know what measurement, EG height at shoulder, and what a good average in inches would be.

Thanks in Advance
I have never hunted them at all, but what from I've read/heard, (lied about ;) ), the piggies are usually found in pretty tight environs.

Anything that shoots point of aim at <35 yards or so & you're good to go.

Seemingly, anything that will shoot 2" groups at 25 yards & has the wherewithall to take one down is a good load & "ranging" a boar seems right up there with "how far is a long way ... "

I may very well be so off-base on this I should have never posted. Oh well, one of those "kept for a labrage's an idiot files ... " ;)

In any event, even with deer-sized critters (+/- 3" maximum point blank trajectory figures) , ya figure using something along the lines of a .308 (whathaveyou in the same ballpark - most are well within the "similar trajectories" argument), 250 yards & you just put the "crosshairs" on it & pull the trigger.
What sort of go-bang ya usin'? For most rifles with enough Oomph to kill an adult wild hog, they shoot flat enough that if you see it pretty clearly with the nekkid eyebone, point it and pull.

I guess you could figure top-of-back to bottom-of-belly at around 15" to 18". Roughly.

:), Art
What Art said.....if you close enough to identify it, and have a decent shot, take the shot.

Lot of confusion with the term "Boar". We do have purebred wild boar in the U.S, and they can range up to three feet at the shoulder. A lot of hybreds that are cross tween domestic swine and wild boar. The adults can be darn near any size. Then there are the feral domestics runnin around that haven't found boars to mix with. Any color, any size.

Wild boars I not that kind of animal you shot over a canyon on the slope in another state.

I hunted them in Europe from the stand,on driven hunts. I stalked them feeding in the wheat. The only problem is to tell ass from nose in dense cover. I you can do that it means that you don't have to worry about distance.

RK, I've seen feral hogs in the swamps of Florida, at 5 yards. I've also seen them in the more open country of west Texas, at some 300 yards. The damned things are all across the southern part of the U.S., all the way out to California.

Most are descendants of domestic hogs that escaped and "went native". That's where the term "Razorbacks" came from, for the University of Arkansas football team. Lean and lanky acorn-eaters of Arkansas, east Texas and northern Louisiana.

Some number of wild Russian boar were imported into the U.S. back in the late 1800s and into the 1900s. This was mostly in the Carolinas and Tennessee, SFAIK, although some came into Texas and, I guess, Kentucky (?). At any rate, the mixed progeny has spread and the genes are still around.

In the Brush Country of south Texas (bounded approximately by I-37 on the east and US 90 on the north), hogs have been killed that weighed up to 460 pounds (boar) and 549 pounds (sow).

The best eating size are young shoats weighing 40 to 60 pounds.

And now everybody's an expert. :)

Stalking boars feeding in the wheat fields in full moon nigth is my favorite hunt.

You can hear them eating - on quite a long distance - and this the only way you can discover that they are there. Then you have to get really close. What you actually can see is only silhuettes of their spines, and movement. The damn things always move when they feed but at least it gives some idea where to shoot.

Even on this short distance a good scope (8x56 is best) gives you lot of help.

I did the same thing on warthogs in Africa - during the day of course. It is as much fun but easier.


Hey guys thanks for the replies so far. Let me further explain what I was asking and why. I am going to have a chance to hunt some boar in Texas. They are in the 250-300 lb range.

I am taking 2 guns. 12 gage with slugs and Remington PSS in 308. The PSS has fixed 10X with mildot scope on it. I know you are all saying that sure is not an ideal boar gun. I would like to try the PSS if I can get a moderate length shot. I would be using a 180 grain Core Lockt that shoots really welll in the gun. It is pretty flat from 50 to 100 yards, but at 150 it drops about 5". I was asking about ranging because I need to know if I am out at 100 or 150. Of course this is all assuming that I can get a shot over 50 yards at one. The location that I will be shooting has some natural ponds and the provisions to bait the hogs as well. That was why I was hoping to get some measurement that would allow me to use the mildot's to range them.

Hope this clears things up. I realize a nice carbine in say 45-70 would maybe be a little better suited but I am really looking forward to getting to try out the PSS on something other than paper.

Thanks again

Generally speaking any rifle in .308 will do nicely. I did some successful boar hunting with poor old very battered Mosin Nagant, barely sporterized.

You'll do fine. Tell us more when you'll get back.

The main point of my reply was that if using anything in a ".308-class" anything ( & that really does apply to even a slug within 100 yards, etc. - depending upon some cartridge realisms, you don't have to figure in anything "ballistically."

= Essentially, put the crosshairs on the critter 'n shoot it.

For anything ".308," just do so.

For a slug, assuming any kind of "maximum point blank range," again, put the dot on the critter's vitals & pull the trigger.
Well, let's back up a sec. Chris, where in Texas are you going to hunt? Is it a guided deal? (If so, ask your guide about probable distances. Or buddy...)

East Texas, I'd guess sorta up close and personal. Maybeso same for the South Texas brush country.

Lots of folks just use either .357s or .44 Maggies, as it's common for ranges to be around 10 to 30 yards.

If you'll be hunting from a stand, there's no telling about any probable distance, other than what a landowner has set up.

As for the .308: I'd sight in for 2" high at 100 yards. That will put you dead on around 175, and maybe six inches low at 250-275, +/-. If you hold for a high heart shot, you'll center-punch a 200-pound boar out to 200 yards, at least. If he looks rather small (but you KNOW it's an adult), hold on the line of the back--That takes care of 250 to 300...
