Boar hunting questions


New member
I am planning a boar hunt here in CA in March. I have read as much info as I can find on boar hunting. I hope to stalk to within 75 yards (at least), and try to take a boar with my 12 gauge rifled shotgun (scoped) and sabot slugs. I have talked to some experienced big game hunters, and all agree that slugs are great boar stoppers if placed well.

I also plan to carry my .357 revolver on my hip for use as a backup ONLY gun. I'll use the solid hard cast lead 180 grain cartridges from Federal. I realise that this is not ideal, but I haven't got a 44 mag or anything bigger in a handgun frame. I got to thinking however, that I might keep some high velocity buckshot rounds in the shotguns magazine in the event of being charged by an angry/wounded boar. I have yet to fire a gun under duress, so I am not altogether confident of hitting a charging animal with a slug, much less a handgun round. So, my question is, am I helping myself by using buckshot in the event of being charged at? I would like to think that I will have the presence of mind to aim for the head.

Any information will be greatly appreciated.


Yes, buckshot is a good idea for back up. I would put two slugs, and the rest buckshot. Ideally the first bullet will drop him, but you may miss, or need a follow-up shot. But since you have never shot under preassure, and have no way of knowing how you will react when in danger, buckshot is a good idea. I read somewhere that getting hit with buckshot is the equivilent of 6-8 9mm's hitting them, and that is good stopping power. Exspecially if you're able to keep your cool and put them in the head. But if you do get a little nervous (I'm sure I would be!!) a slug may be hard to hit a charging boar, and the spread out pattern may save your life. Atleast that's the theory alot of guides use in AK when loading their guns with alternationg slugs and ))buck.
Thanks BM. I will have to pattern some buckshot in the rifled barrel to see how much of a difference the rifling makes. I reckon that at 10 yards and under it will be good enough.

12 guage slugs work great. Try to find a tree to shoot by and if the boar decides he dosen't want to go down after the first shot, and runs at you, just climb the tree. He won't be hanging around looking for you, just trying to get away from you. Good luck.
Where are you going? I'd love to find somplace that actually has some pigs on it, that isn't privately owned, and doesn't have owners who charge hunters to do what amounts to pest control.
Thanks again folks.

Jeff, I plan to go on a private ranch hunt in the Lake Sonoma district. I just lost the brochure I had for the ranch this morning, but the rates are $200 per hunt, and I believe another $200 if you take a pig. I reckon that they would probably work a deal for a group of hunters.

I'd agree that it is pest control, but most places will make up for the price a tiny bit by field dressing, packing, and transporting the kill to the butcher.

More to the point, from what I've read, pig hunting on public land is becoming more and more difficult, especially if you plan to hunt anywhere near the Bay Area.


p.s. - did you all know that hogs are the most taken wild animals in California, deer coming in second.
Boar Hunting

Dont really know much about Cali, but here in Texas you will find people hunting boar with just about anything you can think of. I have several friends that use .22LR and are very successful at it. Other friends use 25-06, 30-06, .308, 7mm and Im sure several others I cant remember right now.

I personally use an AR15 in .223 and since we normally go at night or late evening/early morning I attached a Millenium 500A tac light which works great and is much easier than relying on the spotlight. Sometimes we will walk right up on them and it is much easier for me to line up the shot with a weapon mounted light than it is for the other to wait for the guy with the spotlight to shine it where they need it. Also, with the semiauto it is much easier to make a followup shot if needed.

The key is shot placement, I prefer either a neck or head shot since those tend to drop the pig where it stands. I have seen a boar hit directly in the shoulder with either a 30-06 or .308 and take off running in the woods for several hundred yards before it bled out. When we found it, its front left shoulder was completely gone, just hanging by meat and tendons, though you couldnt tell it by the way it took off running as fast as it did.

Most of the time the boars will not charge you, they will run away like any other animal but there are the exceptions.
We normally engage at around 75-100yds and have yet to have a boar make it to us. I do however affix the bayonet and carry a sidearm, though hopefully I will never have to use either.

Have fun, I personally think boar hunting is better than any other type of hunting I have ever done.

What do you mean by "boar?" Are they 30# javalina, or Russian boar?

Around here, they tend to be Hybred Russian boar/feral hogs that can go 300# and have a bad attitude. With them, an anti-tank gun is not out of place!

A twelve gauge with slugs is OK, but I'd locate a M97 Trench Gun ... with a BAYONET!

Yr. Obt. Svnt.