Boar Hunting Locations


New member
Hi All,

Looking for somewhere to plan a hunt. Probably about 6-10 people. I've only found a few places that aren't fenced off, I'm not really keen on the "Easter egg" hunts. We have some laces here that do that with whitetail and it just doesn't look fun.

My family has always been into hunting, I typically only hunt Deer, waterfowl, Grouse, and Coyotes when asked :). A few of my friends have been shooting with me for a few years now and one of them wanted to go hunting. So we did the mentored hunt and he did very well, but has yet to harvest a deer for himself. The deer count is pretty low, and a few years ago we had a tornado come through the land removing most of their cover, it's slim pickins now. I was lucky to get one of the 3 our group of 17 guys pulled in last year. By far our worst year out of the last two decades. In addition to all that, I've never been hunting outside of Wisconsin.

So, I'm looking for someplace we can plan a trip to, lodging, etc. I really want something that can still be a fun challenge for the old timers, but also get our novice hunters a chance to harvest something.

As I've never been hunting outside my state, I'm not sure what to look for and very keen on suggestions. Right now I'm looking at &, am I on the right track?

Thanks in Advance!
If you ever feel like coming out to California, I hunt hogs with Nessen Schmidt Guide Service in King City, Ca. It is just South of Monterey. It is $575.00 for a weekend hunt with over 100,000 acres of private cattle ranches to hunt. The terrain is rolling hills with oaks and coastal chaparral, gorgeous country. I have taken groups of up to 6 and everyone has gotten an animal. It is fair chase and you will also see turkey, quail deer, elk and pronghorn antelope... Good guys, worth the price.
Where in wisconsin are you hunting white tails? You said deer pop. is low? I seen 5 or more everyday i sat during gun season. Opening morning i seen 8 one of which a nice 8 point that i bagged. Bow season was the same way. Deer are plentiful in the northern part of the state.
Where in wisconsin are you hunting white tails? You said deer pop. is low? I seen 5 or more everyday i sat during gun season. Opening morning i seen 8 one of which a nice 8 point that i bagged. Bow season was the same way. Deer are plentiful in the northern part of the state.

We are in zone 54A, about 45 min north of the dells.

Some of the CWD areas in Central/Southern Wi have been destroyed by the unlimited tags. My hunting camp by Lyndon Station is hurting.

Yep, that's pretty close to where we hunt. All those years of $2 extra tags seem to have done a number on the deer.

On the bright side, in our area, I can't ever remember any hotels/motels that had open rooms the first weekend of gun deer, this year they all were about half full. I'm hoping the harvest was low enough this year that the population can rebuild, it wasn't too harsh of a winter either.
I kind of had a hunch you were in cwd or herd control. I've been hearing some bad news from a couples buddies hunting cwd zones. I'm quite a bit more north than you and even there it was too warm this year. I wish you guys goodluck for the coming season, hopefully it will be colder earlier next season. Opening morning of bow season i sat in my tree for hours in a pair of camo pants and a tshirt. I shot a big doe, but it was still too warm for good huntin. Deer started moving much later in the evening when it cooled down which was proven by my trail cams. Are you guys hunting public or private land?
We also had a bad tornado come through but around 8 or so years ago. It was the best thing to happen in a long time. Deer loved the thick twisted forest and we had a logging company come in and clear a little out when they finished we. Planted the 2 mile long logging road with clover, rape and legumes and the deer cant stay away from it.
Planted the 2 mile long logging road with clover, rape and legumes and the deer cant stay away from it.

I found the same thing up on my land. We planted a small plot(1/4 acre) in late august last year. First time anybody had planted anything on the property(80 acres). I recieved a text a few weeks later from a buddy who lived up there that the wheat was knee high. I was psyched! By the time we got back up there, it was eaten to the ground. :eek:

This year we plan to put in atleast one more plot(time permitting). Hopefully they last till the season starts.