Boar hog BBQ


New member
We have this rather larger boar hog that has got to go. I have had "iffie at best" results with cooking wild boar. I dont have the manpower to cut this boar and let him clean out. I have in the past castrated smaller boars after killed and some came out good, some not so good. Any recommendations from you guys? I hate the idea of wasting that much meat.
After eating the meat from numerous big boar hogs, i've concluded theres no bad boar hog meat. There is boar hog meat thats not prepared properly and tough boar hog meat.
Brine him and slow will be good.

One of the chefs we do business has as a hobby cooking wild game and he convinced us to try his method on a big hog Louann shot. We cut the spine lose at the hams and then at the shoulders and then split the hams and shoulders ( neck still attached ).

The center spine section we cut in two after removing the ribs. This gave us 2 spine sections, 2 ribs and the 4 ham/shoulder sections.

These we dropped into a cooler with a seasoned brine/cure solution and set that in our walk-in cooler. If you don't have a walk-in all you need to do is float bags of ice in the brine to keep everything cold while not diluting the solution.

After 24 hours we pulled the ribs out, then about 12-18 hours later the 2 spine sections came out and then another day or so the ham/shoulder sections come out.

Then they get rubbed down with seasoning and go in a low heat ( 200-225 ) grill/smoker until the internal temp of the thickest piece is 160 or so. Took about 10 hours on this hog but it was so tender that you could shake the meat off the bones.

The cure makes it hold moisture and ( we used salt & nitrates ) enhanced the development of that pink smoke ring. About as good a wild hog as I've ever had.
Alcohol helps to break down muscle fibers, as well. When I have a piece of meat that I think will be tough, I soak it in beer for a day or two before smoking. It tenderizes the meat and adds a good grainy sweetness to the party. No need to spend a bunch on the beer, either; whatever is cheapest will do fine. Add a rub, smoke it low and slow, and it will be dee-licious.
I've had no luck with the big ones either,Lord knows I've tried. Anything over 300lbs,I'd rather eat my boot. Guess I'll try it like Ya'll said,My way aint workin. But the dogs been eaten good.
Personally, I use the big boar hogs for coyote bait, but country neighbors say that the boars taste just fine, but that you should castrate them just as fast as you can get to the dead hog. Others around here say don't bother cooking the big boars. Back in the part of the world where I grew up, in northeastern Louisiana, my cousin cooks up boar hogs and says they taste fine. So, it seems that there must be ways to cook up even the most foul smelling boars, but the wife and I just use pork from small to midsize sows. Besides, I need coyote bait. Does will be dropping fawns pretty soon and I need to eliminate all the coyotes I can find.
We are going to give it a shot. Atleast this hog is not feral so that should help. If nothing else it will be good family time. Thx for the input guys
beer would have alcohol and a good bit of salt to brine, so soaking in beer should give it a double whammy.

You'd need a keg of natty light or something though.
It actually doesn't take as much liquid as you might think. I recently smoked up 40 lbs of pork shoulder for a church dinner, and the soaking stage only took 5 bottles of beer - which meant one left for the cook :D. The trick is to use a narrow cooler so there is not a lot of room for the meat to spread out. That way the beer fills the gaps and gets all over the meat without having to fill a bunch of unnecessary space. Get it to the point where the beer just barely covers all the meat, and top it off with some ice to keep things nice and cold. It should be good for a 24 hour soak without having to mess with it. I usually pick up a cheap styrofoam cooler to do this in, by the way, so I don't have to worry about whether my good cooler is safe to put other food stuff in later on.
Castrating a dead pig has no way to help... NONE!!! Once dead the body has no way to put testosterone into the meat...
Castrating only works on live pigs and then it works REAL GOOD!!!

Note that I never said that castrating a dead hog would improve (or make edible) the meat from a big dead Boar Hog. I did say that some folks around here, in central Texas, say that's what ya gotta do. For me to prove or disprove that, I've got to shoot and eat (and castrate 50% of the Boars) a lot of Boar Hogs. As I said, I use Boar Hogs for coyote bait, so the testing isn't going to happen. And....unfortunately I can't seem to find a hog or a coyote that needs shootin.

And for what it's worth, I agree with you on the dim effectiveness of castrating a dead hog.
I have only tried cooking wild boar once, I put it in the smoker at 250 for 18 hours until the internal temp was where I wanted it, it made some damn tasty sammiches, it also made me think I need to take a trip down south to get a few of these in teh freezer.
Has anyone used monosodium glutamate /MSG when soaking or mairnating pork ???

Some people claim that MSG is not a tenderizer at all.
Some people claim that MSG is not a tenderizer at all.

That's because it isn't. It is a flavor enhancer. It tastes pretty bad by itself, but when mixed in with other flavors, it can cause those flavors to be more intense. That is really all it does.
Papaya is a natural tenderizer. But slow cooking should do the job just as well.

If you decide to braise the meat, toss in a TBLS of pulped papaya per pound. Doesn't work well with dry cooking whole meat.