Blueing, how to go about


New member
Allright. I purchased a P7-M8, then got 5 new magazines for it. The new magazines appear painted, while the old one is blued. 2 of the new mags don't eject cleanly. I was thinking of sanding down/stripping and then blueing.

What would be the best way to remove the paint? Any chemical I can just soak them is the process more painful?

How/What to use for blueing the clean/stripped magazines?
I would just use a wire wheel on a drill or dremel tool, I have had some experence in the use of paint stripper, and it is not a fun process.

"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, becuse the whole body of the people are armed"
Alexander Hamilton
Yeah, my mom has used paint stripper on wood, the stuff is essentially toxic, and a pain in the ass.

I was hoping there was some miracle chemical I didn't know of where I could just drop the mags in, and it would dissolve the paint...