Blue Book Values on TC modern replicas

Anyone know of a good resource for finding a true accurate value on Thompson Center's traditional blackpowder replicas? I have a really nice (mint condition) 50cal Hawkens flintlock and looking to find a good home for it. I have to many and am going to start clearing out the closet. Any help would be appreciated.

I checked out the blue book press but don't feel like paying $100 bucks for a hard cover book. I don't really trust what Amazon is offering for fear of getting a softcover catalog with lack of info in it. I already have to many books I have purchased in the past.

The best indicator of true value is how much $$$ somebody has recently been willing to pay for one in like condition, regardless of "book value".

I would suggest surfing sold/closed gun auctions only, on gun websites like gunbroker or auctionarms, for your T/C's recently-sold twin.

You are so right! I am in the middle of my very first gunbroker transaction for a revolver. My 7 day auction paid me back almost 3 times what the blue book listed. I will start looking today.
I have a Blue-Book and for the most part, don't use or rely on it. I follow these fairly close on GB and lately there has been some activity on the flintlock you are refering to. I could give you my SWAG but go in and see what GB is doing. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I checked out the blue book press but don't feel like paying $100 bucks for a hard cover book.

That's how it is with the actual values of mint condition TC guns too. A lot of folks just don't feel like paying the big bucks for them.
And I'd guess that's the same reason why TC has stopped producing most of their sidelock muzzle loading models too. Folks simply don't want to pay the big bucks when they can just as easily buy a Lyman/Investarms or something else.