Blue book of gun values

It's a good reference, but the values are all over the place (some too high, some too low). It tries, but it fails. I bought one about 10 years ago, and it's a great reference book, but I use the internet to research gun values.
See I've tried using gunbroker but have found people pay a lot more than what it's worth. I recently bough a baikal coach gun made in Russia and no longer imported. From what I understand they used to cost around 300 brand new. Now i see them selling on gunbroker between high 500 to 800 bucks..I recently asked about its value in the shotgun section of these forums and had someone tell me 250-300 was about right for its value. So far I know the values of that gun is between 250 and 800 bucks.
Gots to do your : "Homework"

It's a good reference, but the values are all over the place (some too high, some too low). It tries, but it fails. I bought one about 10 years ago, and it's a great reference book, but I use the internet to research gun values.
Pretty much reflects my feelings. Consider it as just one source in determining value. In actuality, there is always a range. One big factor, is what you paid for it. There are times when I break even but there has never been a time that I get less than what I paid. ...... ;)

I've heard folks state that there are particular firearms that are "out of the book" what that means is that the actual listed Blue-Book, is way, way off. .... :mad:

Be Safe !!!
There's an online version you can buy an account to. I don't know how much it costs, but presumably it's updated more frequently than the print versions.
See I've tried using gunbroker but have found people pay a lot more than what it's worth.

If a number of people are willing to pay inflated prices, that's what it is currently "worth".

That's how a free economy works.

Next week, it might be worth less. Or more. And that's why a "book" is useless.
See I've tried using gunbroker but have found people pay a lot more than what it's worth.

First point, Gunbroker is an auction site.

You aren't paying what the item is worth, you're paying what ever it takes to buy it over other people doing the same thing.

As to the Blue Book, its a useful reference because it lists so much and so many variations,


The values are, and always have been only guidelines. Always at least a year or two out of date. Some what useful as a standard back in the days before the internet put gun prices on a nationl basis. Factory MSRP was one thing, but new and especially used guns sold for different amounts in different places due to regional demand, popularity and availability.

A used bear rifle is worth more in bear country than a pocket pistol. And the reverse is true in urban situations. Prices (pre panic-demic) reflected the different values in different areas.

the only problem with the Blue Book is those folks who think the "book price" is the actual value, when it often isn't. And where people think their gun is very good or excellent and worth that, when in fact it may just be "good" or even "fair"....

The prices have always been considered guidelines by gun traders, not holy writ, and its always been known that they lag behind current pricing, and do not reflect regional differences.

Being able to shop and buy from anywhere in the country has leveled the playing field a fair bit, but not completely, and the seller with the product in hand able to deliver it right then still gets to set what price his market will bear, no matter what the book says.
"Weelll the Blue Book sez it is worth" Ya that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee.

First the current Blue Book is a year out of date when published! If you want current "asking prices" go to Guns International, that's what the dealers are asking, I'm not saying thats what they get, but what they ask it is a starting point.
Kingcuda360 See I've tried using gunbroker but have found people pay a lot more than what it's worth....
Oddly, they are paying exactly what it's worth.;)
That you don't find the price worth it is irrelevant.

Value is what people will pay, its just that simple.
have found people pay a lot more than what it's worth
What it's worth to who? In a free market economy, the market is driven by people paying what they think the stuff is worth. Got a collector piece and you think it's worth $5,000? Put it up for auction and the market will tell you what it's worth. Sometimes more, sometimes less than you think it's worth. But that's what it is worth on the market. So, what you think it's worth is irrelevant.
People would come into the shop and want to sell their gun to me for cash. Some would quote Blue Book. Always good for a laugh.

Others may pay the price listed in BB, not a FFL dealer.

A current models selling price*, used, depending on condition, is 20% to 40% less then Retail*

Want top dollar, set you price and wait, may take a year or more, till it sells.