Bluddy peasants!


New member
Picked this off another message board. I know this is sketchy, but the year is apparently off to a good start. Many confirmations that FOX has aired this and is repeating and repeating and repeating and . . . Wonder what she thinks of the "Little People" now? (evil [g])

"Crowd Boos Hillary off the stage in DC

Booing and yelling Monica ! , Monica !, The First lady stepped up to the mike and was booed back."

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Nuthin' like starting a new year off with a belly-busting horselaugh, eh?

Coinneach, wiping the milk out of his beard. :D

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
When I heard Jim Engle's(sp?) report I nearly died laughing. I can't wait until her senate campain starts up!

Hillary booed off the stage?

That calls for a song!

"There was a man, his name was Lang,
And he had a neon sign.
Now Mr. Lang was very old,
So they called it, "Old Lang's Sign!"

(Bless you Allan Sherman, where ever you are. ;) )
HankL, this is the best I can do at this time - evidently nothing yet on TV other than good ole FOX.

"Jim Angle reporting from the Lincoln Memorial just said the "crowd" was getting rowdy waiting for the fireworks.

Then he said Hillary interrupted the musicians performing to thank everyone for coming and THE CROWD STARTED BOOING HER AND SHOUTING "MONICA, MONICA, MONICA"!"

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

Did you see later in the same thread, a post by "shea shea"

"I saw another little zinger yesterday.

While watching ABC yesterday, Diane Sawyer was interviewing children concerning the differences between boys and girls. The kids seemed to agree that boys lie more than girls. One little boy said

"Boys lie more, like President Clinton"

I couldn't believe ABC didn't edit it, as it wasn't live. My wife and I let out a whoop !"

Can anyone here verify these wonderful (but only "possible") stories?
Tsk, tsk..

We just can't have the rabble insulting our Queen...after all she may punish us by not allowing us to have the cake we paid for and the royalty stole from us.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Not to beat a dead horse, but this adds some legitimacy to the story:

Saturday January 1, 10:02 PM

Hillary Booed at DC New Years Bash

Hoping to welcome in the millenium on a triumphant note, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was instead booed by a New Years Eve crowd gathered at Washington's Lincoln Memorial to ring in the new century.

DC's 14 hour New Years festival featured a dazzling display of fireworks, culminating in the lighting of a 2,000 foot fuse that ran the length of the Reflecting Pool. Once ignited, a streak a fire danced across the water to turn the Washington Monument into a giant roman candle.

Network news anchors were captivated by the show, but were apparently looking the other way when Mrs. Clinton took the stage at the west end of the Mall.

Only Saturday's Los Angeles Times decided her sour reception was worth noting:
"The music brought the audience, buoyant yet sober despite holiday tradition, to an over-the-head hand-clapping fervor throughout the evening. But it was not entirely friendly: When First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was introduced, a pronounced boo rippled across a segment of the audience."

Others who saw Hillary's humiliating New Year's moment report that a chant of "Monica, Monica" erupted from the throng. Mrs. Clinton, it is said, was momentarily taken aback by the taunts.

Undeterred by the heckling, the First Lady joined her husband Saturday morning for a televised New Years Day joint communique from the Oval Office. If there was any further booing, it could be heard only inside American living rooms.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.