Bloombergs New Commercial!!!

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Hey everyone,

I cant even begin to explain how wrong this is. I am ashamed to be a New Yorker!!

Gott love this quote

"You can go down to a gun show and come away with a fully-automatic assault rifle without a background check," Al-Amriki said on the terror tape. "So what are you waiting for?"

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I didn't know I could just go to a gun show and get a fully automatic weapon. I have been wanting an MP5 for the LONGEST time.
Man, I am definitely going to the wrong gun shows. All I see at the ones around here are the same exact guns in the retail stores. Just about every last table is run by a FFL, so yes indeed, there are background checks.

The one NFA dealer I've ever seen at the shows won't even let you touch his goodies without permission, let alone let you go cash and carry with them.

No wonder I don't like my gun shows. They aren't the ones they apparently hold in NYC.
They aren't the ones they apparently hold in NYC.

Yeah, the last NYC gunshow that I attended had several Howitzer's a few I.C.B.M's and one guy was selling a barely used "suitcase" nuke....But I'm pretty sure the suitcase, labeled "Gucci" was a knock-off...:confused:
Its the old if you cant use the truth then make up a good lie... and yet people vote this nonsense into office, time and time again...

If I lived in NY Id be looking for a new house and job in a new state....
This is why the debate about 2nd Amendment rights, gun control etc... breaks down into incivility.

When you are dealing with basically immoral people who believe that the ends justify the means and they are willing to present false information as truth... it's very hard to be civil.

This is also very borderline disrespectful to those who lost their lives in on 9/11 because it blatantly plays on those fears.

Very shameful.
I just caught "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell", flipping though the channels and seeing that commercial, he had Bloomberg on his show, NO Correction on the absolute LIE that select-fire firearms can be bought w/o a background check at all around the country at gun shows.

I don't wanna get into "well that's libral/conservative bias" network, radio station, town cryer on the street corner.

A Lie is a lie no matter who tells it, and lies as such from a member of either party put you down, in my opinion, the lowlife cesspool of humanity.

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