Bloomberg Pokes His Head Through the Political Ice


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Rumors abound concerning Bloomberg's possible run for President. He's already said he'll spend his own money on a campaign. Coming from a multi-billionaire the threat has to be considered seriously.

Well he is now poking his head through the political ice and guess what his opening issue is?,0,4080429.story
Bloomberg not running but buying ads in Iowa, New Hampshire

3:27 PM EST, December 27, 2007

NEW YORK - Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who insists he is not running for president, placed two full-page advertisements in newspapers from states hosting the nation's first presidential contests.

The advertisements in Thursday editions of The Des Moines Register and The New Hampshire Union Leader feature a photograph of him surrounded by several other mayors from his anti-gun coalition.

The ads cost $22,200 and were purchased by the nonprofit group he founded called Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Inc. It is primarily funded by the billionaire mayor, according to a City Hall spokesman.

The ad's message is targeted at the declared presidential candidates, who unlike Bloomberg, are competing in Iowa's Jan. 3 caucuses and New Hampshire's Jan. 8 primary.

It asks "Where do the presidential candidates stand on illegal guns?" and features excerpts from a questionnaire that the gun coalition released on Dec. 9, asking for the candidates' responses by Jan. 2.

None have been turned in so far.

The survey asks questions like "Do you support increasing the maximum penalty for illegal firearms possession from 10 years to 15 years?"

It also asks if gun dealers whose licenses have been revoked for selling guns illegally should be allowed to continue selling guns in their inventory without background checks.

The coalition says it won't endorse a candidate but would publicize the responses on its Web site.
I continue to hear rumors of an independent ticket with Bloomberg and Gore.

If anything could save the Republicans in 2008 it would be that...
Right, a billionaire candidate that will run a candidacy that's to the left of Hillary Clinton. I like it. When Hillary is running against Dr. Paul, Bloomberg will siphon votes from her like a Hoover.

Looks good.
Candidates of all stripes could look at the camera earnestly and intone, "I'm against illegal guns."

It could mean something entirely different for each one of them.
Candidates of all stripes could look at the camera earnestly and intone, "I'm against illegal guns."

Of course Bloomberg feels those guns which should be legal are all those not possessed by gov't or his private security when not in office.
For anyone in favor of gun ownership and constitutional rights, Bloomberg is a very dangerous individual. He's worth billions and is not shy about using it to get himself elected (as he proved in NYC).

His attempted use of 'stings' to harrass out of state gun shops clearly indicates he'll stop at nothing to accomplish his goal of outlawing guns and making the entire country a carbon copy of New York City as far as gun ownership is concerned. As far as he's concerned all guns are, or should be, illegal.
No word from Nader yet....looks like his own party thoroughly destroyed him. Maybe Bloomberg could do the job for Nader.
Bloomberg is a menace. Hopefully he will run and spoil Hillary's accesssion...of all the Democrats she is the only one with a shot, IMO, and that is loose right now.

With Bhutto's death, it is time for the adults to exercise influence. Silky and Obama should be sent to bed, along with Huck, Paul and a few others.

Could a Hillary/Bloomie ticket be in the offing?
In my dream, boomburglar spends all his billions in the presidential race and loses in the end to Dr. Ron Paul.
In my dream, boomburglar spends all his billions in the presidential race and loses in the end to Dr. Ron Paul.
That's a great dream, I'll title it "the death of limousine liberalism" and commission a painting. ;)