bleaching stock


New member
I just got an OLD 870 Wingmaster. The stock is well worn and I wanted to clean it up.

Should I use a paint stripper like Formbey's and the soak it in bleach water to get the oils out and swell the wood of the dings?

It is checkered walnut. Is a toothbrush ok for getting the checkering clean?

Thanks for your help.

It will turn your walnut a sickly grey. Go to the hardware store and pick up a box of oxalic acid. Some times they simply call it wood bleach. Mix about 1/2 a cound to 2 gallons of warm water. You apply with a stiff nylon or synthetic scub brush. When you get the lightening you want rinse the stock with water.

You can You can get the oils out by spraying the stock down with Easy-Off Oven cleaner and washing off the smuz with warm water and a mild detergent. You can also soak the stock in paint thinner. Followed by the washing in warm water and soap. You can steam out smaller dings and dents, as long as the wood fibers haven't been torn. If they are, just fill with wood putty and color the best you can.

I would let the stock dry for at least a week after all that wet treatment.

Joe Portale
Tucson, Arizona Territory

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