Blasted media at it again ...

OK, you LEOs out there, picture this ...

On a desolate outback highway, a man is trying to hitch-hike from Port Hedland to Broome. If the cars don't stop, he's hurling stones through their windscreens. You're sent to investigate.

You find a dirty, dishevelled, wild-eyed man has indeed been doing what the reports say.

You get out of your car and call on him to stop -- he responds by running off into the scrub.

You follow and he suddenly confronts you with a screwdriver. You call on him again to halt and he lunges, trying to stab you in the chest. You finally draw your revolver and fire one round into centre of mass. BG dies on the spot.

Headlines in our (one and only) major newspaper?

"Police gun down stone thrower in NW"

Give me a break!!

The tonight on TV we have a "social worker" berating the officer and the police force for not being trained in "negotiation" skills or "non-lethal" capture methods.

Our police have only shot 4 people in 10 years for heaven's sake!! It's not like it's a bloody epidemic!

The poor old Senior Conny who pulled the trigger has been crucified in the press and on TV -- and the police inquiry hasn't even started yet!!

You don't want to get shot? Easy! Don't try to kill coppers!!!!!!


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited November 09, 1999).]
Know how you feel. I have a friend who was once a law officer till he had a little run in with excessive force. He made a routine traffic stop just outside of town. Came up to the car on the drivers side and asked for ID. The driver reached under the seat and pulled out a revolver. At the same time the passenger got out of the car and came around the back of the car with a sword in his hand. My friend nailed the driver with his 1911 as the driver was raising the gun to shoot him. He then turned and nailed bad guy #2 as he was rounding the back side of the car. Both cases were rulled self-defense, but he was released from the sherrif's department for using excessive force on bad guy #2. He had to go into another line of work as no other department would give him a job in Law enforcement. I've never been able to figure out how one could be using excessive force in the defense of one's life. A split second hesitation on his part and he would have been parted down the middle. The local paper supported him, but the Sacramento Bee ranted and raved about how he was a rouge cop and should be locked up for using a gun on bad guy #2 who was only armed with a little sword. The rag did not mention that both bad guys had a list of prior arrests and convictions as long as my arm.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
We had a similar incident in Michigan only the 2 officers didn't even fire a shot at the BG. He died from what an "expert" called blunt force trauma. It didn't matter he was hopped up on coccaine and was trying to get one of their guns! They were shafted, crucified, and hung out to dry!

Officers Walter Butzyn and Larry Nevers.

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
The only silver lining in this theatre of the absurd is that LEO's may sometimes realize that civilian firearms owners understand far better the reality of their situations. At least the media is 'equal opportunity' when it comes to acting like ignorant fools regarding firearms.

I'm glad the officer is alright, at least physically. And, I hope he comes out OK when all the hoopla dies down as well. Sheesh.
Very hypocritical of the media to say that they want only the LEO's and the military to have guns and then crucify them for using them...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Bruce et al'
I understand fully what you are talking about. My little episode involved a poor, underpriviledged, socially repressed, unemployed, racially oppressed, misunderstood, didn't get to breast feed as a child, noone would let him play ball as a child, didn't get to take the cheerleader to the prom, flunked out of school, couldn't get a scholarship to college, noone gave him a new car, life has not been fair, (gee, do I sound bitter?) member of society that decided one dark and stormy night that he would releive me of my life. Unfortunately for him, I was and am a far better and faster shot than he. Oops - bad plan on his part.
Anyway, the local media (in a town where I left not long thereafter) did not understand why I "had" to shoot, they asked all types of questions - however, they never bothered to ask these questions of me or any other officer. The letters to the editor made me proud (not!) in their lack of support culminating with my favorite "Well,the officer was paid to get shot".
Anyway, I am glad the Constable is OK, he did what he needed to do.
Ya'll be careful.
P.S. Bruce, do the Constables still carry Ruger .357's with no reloads (speedloaders or belt loops)? A friend of mine from university lives in Victoria and she told me this when she moved down south in 1985.
Take a chicken from the refrigerator and place it on your countertop. Now, using a screwdriver, drive it as hard as you can into the breast of the chicken. Whomsover thinks they're chest is tougher than that of the chicken and has the martial arts skill of Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan can go disarm that wild eye screwdriver wielding stone thrower.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
"Well, the officer was paid to get shot."!!!

What the hell! No person in any conventional occupation has ever been paid to get shot. You're paid to not get shot and to prevent others from being shot. Sheesh, sometimes you want to take these idiots and ... oh, never mind.

Weren't Nevers and the other guy convicted? I think that Mas did a "Ayoob files" on these guys a couple years back. The incident occurred in car right? Also A&E did an "American Justice" that featured these guys.

A perfect example of how the public/media can generate a totally different incident that what actually occured.

Always amazes me how the biggest turd in the world becomes a saint when it happens to be an LEO brutality case.


Root Hog or Die Poor
Deputy KC:

You asked:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>P.S. Bruce, do the Constables still carry Ruger .357's with no reloads (speedloaders or belt loops)? A friend of mine from university lives in Victoria and she told me this when she moved down south in 1985.[/quote]

Different States have different handguns. Here, S&W .357s were the go for uniforms, loaded with 38 Spcl rounds, though full-house .357 loads were available if required. And no, I never saw any reloads, certainly not in belt loops or speedloaders. But they must have had some! I'll have to ask my brother (he's a LEO).

The move is to semi-autos now. I believe we've opted for Glocks and the police are being re-armed as they do the training.


Yes they were both convicted and did time.
I know Butzyn was released a year or 2 ago. Not sure about Nevers.

The city prosecuter is now trying to have Butzyn thrown back in jail because when he was released the judge pronounced time served for his sentence. Now the jerk, er prosecuter is trying to have the ruling overturned or some such thing.

Yes, it occured at their police car when they rapped him on the head with their flashlights during a struggle .

Maybe we ought to ban Maglights! After all they are made of metal and are black and you really don't need such an "assault light"! ;) My god! they must be evil!

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
Similiar thing happened for the Dept I used to work for. Guy with warrants flees and dog is used, he still resists and gets restrained with Flashlight. Two officers involved are brought up on charges by Grand Jury for excessive force and civil rights violations. BG minority Cops 2 WMs. Cops got off and BG got stitches. And a hefty Civil suit settlement.

Very similar incident happen here recently in southern Kaliforia but it was a homeless woman with screwdriver and shopping basket, they have been on the cops ever since. It may have been in LA not sure which city, I had expected someone to allready have it posted as a reply. I'm with you gary on the penetration thing but the liberals will say you have to put a vest on that bird.

I live near Riverside where most of you have heard about the Tiesha Miller? shooting where this broad was asleep in car with gun on lap and cops woke her up and she went for gun, they say dope was involved all the black community was riled up about it. I dont know the circumstances but though maybe they could have used SWAT shield to approch car with and mag light to tap glass to wake up girl, if sheild was threat level IIIA or better I believe it will stop all common handgun rounds. If you dope up and sleep in car with gun you play with fire to begin with.
** UPDATE **

The story has become clearer now details have been released.

1. There was a warrant out for the man's arrest already on another, unrelated matter.

2. He was inside 4 metres from the Conny and charging when the copper began his draw and fired

3. His screwdriver thrust actually went between the cop's arm and his chest

NOW the media are questioning whether or not the cop had undertaken his six-monthly firearms proficiency course!! Who cares??

The usual scream of "He should have shot him in the arm or leg" got short shrift from the Police Commissioner who said: "That happens in Hollywood, not in the real world. Police are taught to shoot at centre of mass until the threat to themselves or others is removed."

If anyone in the media says to "put a vest on that bird," someone should politely remind them that the screwdriver would have punched right through it as if it were a piece of old leather. Those vests are meant to stop BULLETS. Bullets are fast movers but small and light. A screwdriver, like a knife, may move slower but has a smaller frontal area and MUCH more mass, not to mention the mass and power of a human arm rather than momentum to carry it through.
Screw the media and three cheers to the Constable for surviving.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron