"Blank Slates"


New member

This is what the Republican party has been reduced to. The party that once represented the ideology of Jefferson, Goldwater, Reagan... Now so politicized that they actively promote anti-intellectualism, jingoism, and political buzzwords in furtherance of policies that run counter to their own beliefs. This guy is so eager to compare an opponent to Neville Chambarlain he never bothered to find out who Chamberlain was or what he did that was so bad.

People are asking "Where have all the rational Republicans gone"?

Some will say it's unfair to paint thoughtful conservatives with the same brush one uses to tar this blowhard. I would suggest the very need to use that modifier speaks volumes. There was once a day when conservatism was driven by principles: smaller government, less-intrusive government, strong national defense, fiscal sobriety. But in the years since that day, the putative heirs to Reagan have trampled not just those principles, but also principle itself.

The ideology that wanted small government now presides over expanded government, the one that wanted less intrusion now seeks to regulate bedroom behavior, the one that demanded strong national defense has run the military into the ground, the one that championed fiscal sobriety turned a $236 billion budget surplus into a $400 billion deficit. And if thoughtful conservatives see the disconnect, if they have the intellectual integrity to find it shameful, the newsflash is, thoughtful conservatives no longer predominate their ideology.

No, that honor goes to unthoughtful conservatives, the loud, proudly ignorant voices of talk radio, books and television of which Kevin James is now the poster child. Matthews kept asking him to explain the sins of Neville Chamberlain and he kept crying, ''appeasement! appeasement!'' clinging to the words like a drowning man to a raft.

That's what people like him do. They are geniuses at rhetoric (''War on Christmas,'' anyone?) that rouses the rabble and lets them feel aggrieved, while simultaneously having the intellectual heft of cotton balls. But they can no more step beyond that rhetoric than Gilligan could step off his island. There is no 'there' there.

Well, we "thoughtful Conservatives" are still around and we're just as upset with what these people have done as the rest of America.

This is embarassing and disgraceful to everyone who calls themselves "conservatives". I'm sick of it. :mad:
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It's embarrassing! It's disgraceful! It's horrible! :eek: Woe to you, on earth and sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short.....:rolleyes:

No worries, though. Obama-rama will save you. He's all about change you can believe in. Not pocket change, either. And hope. And change. Yep.


If you've got enough time to get all worked up about somebody on youtube, then you've got too much time. Or something.