Blank Firing: Full Auto?

Whether full-auto or semi, cycling an automatic generally requires some form of barrel restriction to build enough gas pressure in the action. Hollyweird is said to do this permanently by either welding in the restriction or using purpose-built replacement barrels. The military uses attachments. There is a restrictor for AK-47’s advertised in the current Shotgun News. I would guess that the needed device will be specific to both the model and the ammo.
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It's better to just buy the "hollywood" style blank firing full auto guns because it would have to be a permanant thing if you wanted to make it so that your "real" full auto firearm can fire AND cycle blanks.

Some of us live where class III firearms are legal. Why would we buy a fake when a simple and relatively inexpensive appliance adapts the real thing?
i really dont want to do any permanent mods of that nature, but maser, where could one purchase these "hollywood full auto pistols" you speak of? id rather get one of those than mess up my gun. trey
Trey, what kind of firearm are you asking about? That would be very helpful for me to try and answer your question regarding firing blanks. There are inexpensive blank-firing adapters out there for lots and lots of different weapons that need no permanent modification.
i was lookin for a full auto blank firing glock 18, i cant get a real one, so i got the full auto airsoft bb gun, i wanted one that shot blanks too, if there is one, if not, some kind of full auto blank handgun would be fine, just for fun,

thanx, trey
Judging by your questions in your previous posts in this thread, you made it seem like you were trying to fire blanks in a weapon you already own. Why didn't you just start out by asking where to find a blank firing replica instead of
is it possible/reccomended to fire a full auto with blanks?
i really dont want to do any permanent mods of that nature, but maser, where could one purchase these "hollywood full auto pistols" you speak of? id rather get one of those than mess up my gun.

Just kind of confusing to me, thats all...
When I was in the Army we fired blanks out of M16A2s quite often. The above posters are correct (some of them) it takes a barrel restrictor to make them cycle. Most weapons don't require a threaded barrel. Some adapters "clamp" to the barrel, like the A2.

I quit doing this however as you won't believe the hell you'll go through trying to get them clean. The barrel restrictions mean that all the crud (unburned powder) goes right back into the action. Nothing like spending 2.5 hours trying to clean it enough to have the armorer accept it.
Hollywood BFAs

The permantly installed blank firing adapters are used by Hollywood for the purpose of cycling the gun without having a visible blank adaptor.

This usually consists of threading inside the muzzle and installing a restrictor. gun looks normal, but cycles (semi/full auto) with blanks. GI guns use an externaly attached BFA (painted red/orange) for easy recognition. I have fired M16s and M60 with blanks, and yes, they do get completely full of gunk from the blank powder. A real PITA to clean.

Some semi auto pistols can have their barrels replaced easily, and would seem to lend themselves to this practice, but in reality it is difficult to get them to function, BFAs don't work really well on recoil operated guns.
I did some training with the local police, and one of the trainers had a replacement barrel for his Glock that enables it to fire blanks. They werent very loud at all, and didnt sound that realistic, but the action worked just like a regular Glock. I dont know about finding a Full Auto Glock replica, but google Glock blank gun and there should be some matches, usually in the 100-150 dollar range.
I am not sure just what is involved, but some of those pellet guns will blow apart if fired with a blank. The idea that because there is no bullet there is no pressure just isn't true.

it depends wat type of gun also like the m240 will have problems with blanks because a blank is longer than a live round after its been fired and will not extract as easily