Blagojevich Supporters Propose Ban on Pheasant Hunting


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Blagojevich Supporters Propose Ban on Pheasant Hunting
U.S. Newswire
28 Oct 16:38
ISRA-PVF: Blagojevich Supporters Propose Ban On Pheasant Hunting
To: State Desk
Contact: Jim Vinopal of the ISRA Political Victory Fund, 815-635-3166

CHICAGO, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released
today by the ISRA Political Victory Fund (ISRA-PVF):

The ISRA-PVF issued a warning today to Illinois hunters that the
2002 pheasant-hunting season might just be their last.

The warning was issued in light of an ongoing effort by the
Humane Society of the United States to ban pheasant hunting on
federal lands in Massachusetts. It should be noted that the
society's political action committee has endorsed Rod Blagojevich
in his bid for the Illinois governor's mansion.

"Blagojevich's strong ties to radical animal rights activists
are like a dark cloud hanging over this year's pheasant hunting
season," commented ISRA-PVF chairman Jim Vinopal. "They want to
put a stop to pheasant hunting and they have chosen Rod Blagojevich
to do just that. Blagojevich owes the animal rights crowd a big
"thanks" for their endorsement of his campaign. If Blagojevich is
elected, that thanks may very well come in the form of an Illinois
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that is openly hostile to the
interests of hunters and sportsmen."

"We've already heard Blagojevich propose raising the Illinois
FOID fee to $500 just so people would think twice about owning
firearms," continued Vinopal. "So we could reasonably expect
Blagojevich's DNR to sharply raise hunting license fees so that
hunters would "think twice" about wanting to hunt. We've warned
hunters in the past not to trust Blagojevich. Behind that boyish
grin lies someone who is very eager to destroy this very important
aspect of Illinois' outdoor heritage."

The ISRA-PVF is a political action committee affiliated with the
Illinois State Rifle Association. The Illinois State Rifle
Association is the state's largest and oldest firearm owner's
organization. A copy of the ISRA-PVF report is available for a fee
from the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.
Since our game Pheasant are not a native species, imported for shooting sport....

And if they want to ban Pheasant hunting...

Then the bunny huggers should round up each and every Pheasant and take em back to Asia...

One person personaly escorting each individual bird...

And stay there with the Pheasant.

Those of us in Illinois are in deep sh**. Blagojevich is ahead by 10 points in the polls as of today over his Republican challenger, Jim Ryan. If you know anyone in Illinois, please call them and make sure they vote for the Republican next week or we gun owners are in bad shape.
We Illinois gun owners are in bad shape even if "I'm-not-George" Ryan gets elected. I've met the man and he is no friend to gun owners. Blago will be a greater foe and he is almost certain to be our next guv. the Illinois GOP is in sad shape and the current repub guv has essentially handed the state to the Chicago dem machine.
I am "downstate" and full of resentment.
From someone in south-central Illinois, we're sunk. Jim Ryan is likely better than Rod Blagojevich, but the real travesty was when the Chicago machine elected George Ryan instead of Glen Poshard.