"Blago" convicted on most counts

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The jury in his retrial, having heard the evidence, having deliberated, found the former Illinois governor and Chicago area congressman guilty on most counts, which brings to mind the following.

It's been a while since I've seen or heard anything about it, but at one time there was a fair amount of mention of something called The Curse of The Gunnies, this curse seemingly falling on appointed and or elected public officials who were of anti gun persuasion, persons who were found guilty of violating the law. Their violations were non-violent in nature, but these august persons were still indicted, tried and found guilty.

Included amongst these persons, as I recall were, former federal judge and governor of Illinois Otto Kerner, former governor of Maryland Marvin Mendel, his conviction was later set aside as I recall, one time Queens N.Y. DA Tom Mackel, former N.Y. congressman Mario Biaggi, there may be others I've overlooked, and now former Illinois governor Blagovich.

One wonders as to whether there might be something to what was described as The Curse of the Gunnies?
From The Salt Lake Tribune:
Blagojevich, a Democrat whose former aides say once saw himself as a possible presidential contender, was found guilty of 17 counts of wire fraud, attempted extortion, bribery, extortion conspiracy and bribery conspiracy. He was acquitted on one charge of bribery, and the jury deadlocked on two counts of attempted extortion.

17 convictions out of 20 simplified charges, some of which carry up to 20 years.

And with that, closed as being off topic.
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