Bladetech holster questions


New member
I'm going to order a blade tech for my Steyr M40. Primary use will be competition, IPSC and tatical matches. Which one should I get? They have a lot of options for cant and drop. They also have a new cliping system. I really need some advise. Thanks, Lars.
I just spoke to one of the guys I shoot IPSC with last night (also in Oregon) and he suggested the Blade-Tech Dropped Offset. He said he shaved around a quarter second off his draw to first shot times.

Where/what clubs do you shoot at?

Well I ordered a standard no cant holster today. I got the one with the tec clips. I know the droped holster is not approved for IDPA. I don't shoot IDPA now but don't want to buy another holster if I do. I just started shooting IPSC at Tri-county gun club a couple of months ago. I havent gone for a month or so, but will be shooting there on the 3rd Sunday. We'll see how the Steyr does.
Just a follow up. I received the holster yesterday. I am really suprised at how fast they got it to me.:D I'll give it a try tonight. Lars.