Blade-Tech paddle combo magpouch/flashlight holder (and I'm back)

Futo Inu

New member
Well, the stars must all be lined up or something - here's what went down yesterday.

1. FINALLY got the Blade Tech paddle combo magpouch (G29/30) and flashlight holder (SureFire 6P/6Z, lens down) after some 35 days after ordering - the quoted time was 2 weeks to manufacture plus shipping time, so it was very late. Good news is, this thing is COOL! Bad news is Blade Tech never responds to any email, so don't even bother trying. IMO it's very unprofessional of them to have an email address at all if they're not going to ever answer an inquiry.

2. Hired a secretary, plus the state fair started here (big drop off in business as a result), so with the two combined I have time to pop in at TFL.

3. My brother is going to bat for me - he's in law school and he's fixing me up with a fellow law student of the female persuasion who told him to warn me that she is a conservative - he tells her I am too and I shoot guns, and she says she's an NRA MEMBER! Plus she's a redhead! Wow - I don't remember having this much good luck for several years now.

First, welcome back. Did you get the shakes like I did? :)

I posted a review of my Blade-Tech belt holster last week, saying essentially what you did: the rig rocks, but the service is... well, it doesn't put a spring in my step and a sparkle in my eye.

An NRA-member redhead? You lucky dawg, you!

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper