Blacks and gun control


New member
Not to re-open the thread I started earlier. Many fine points were made, and the board was shut down at the appropriate time.
But today I saw this video from the JPFO regarding the racist history of gun control, and the quagmire many blacks feel they are in regarding gun ownership.
This is not to spur another discussion, but to provide an insight for those who may be interested. As such, if the moderators feel the need to close this, I understand.
the quagmire many blacks feel they are in regarding gun ownership

If they really feel like that about gun control, they should go down to the local gun store and throw some money on the counter. Problem solved.
Saw that yesterday. The vid is very well done and tells an important part of the story of gun control as it evolved in this country. It ugly business to be sure.
If they really feel like that about gun control, they should go down to the local gun store and throw some money on the counter. Problem solved.
Easier said than done. Here in Kansas, or Texas, etc, it's not a problem. In Chicago it is virtually impossible. Watch the video.

Harry Callahan, sure, by all means share this. The JPFO site encourages wide distribution.
I love the info in the video but I do find the racial undertone is a little to strong.

But that's how it happened. As far as I'm concerned, this is the most under told history lesson in the country. There's simply no nice way to talk about the atrocities of the post Civil War South. Lessons forgotten are lessons bound to be repeated.

The history of gun control is also a wide bridge of common ground between the African American community, which often tends to lean pretty far left, and the traditional 2A crowd, which like it or not, is significantly comprised of white, male, right-leaning folks. And I know there are many exceptions, and that this is a broad generalization.

There is great strength and power in uniting normally disparate groups over a common issue. For better or worse, that's how prop 8 got passed in CA. African American voters came out in record numbers for Obama, and while in the voting booth, they helped pass a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. As liberal as CA is, there would not have been much chance for prop 8 without all the new voters. This is a powerful voting block that special interest groups ignore at their own peril.

I, for one, hope gun control's dirty little secret catches fire and becomes as common as flapjacks. The truth hurts, but sometimes the best way out of pain is straight through the middle of it.
+10 maestro. With that, everyone black and white needs to know the politicians past voting records on issue`s important to them BEFORE voting.
Gentlemen, we've posted this video on our YouTube account and on our main site. Unfortunately we had to segment the video into two segments because of YouTube constraints (10 minutes) but it's there nevertheless.