Blackpowder Revolvers-Getting Started


New member
My brother-in-law just discovered three blackpowder revolvers in his closet that he inherited years ago and forgot about. They're all Italian made replicas. There's 2 1851 navys, one .36 and one .44, and a "Whitneyville Walker" .44 that's a behemoth. What do I need to get started? How do I clean and take care of them? Can I use Pyrodex pellets like in my in-line rifle? Is it safe to load all six chambers? Any information, no matter how general, will be greatly appreciated.
Wow, Now if I could find that in my closet I would be one happy old man!:)
The best thing I can tell you is to start at this link and then read anthing on the site that may help you. There really is a mountain of information if you just start reading or use your search function in any of the black powder sites.You can find info on Revolvers that go far and above what you need to get you started right here. Hope we can help you along your way. Make sure you clean the revolvers you found and check them for fit and function. Mike
I like your tag line. My kinda guy! I could say the same thing but insert 3 "58 Remingtons instead of Glocks.My thought; It ALWAYS scares the bejeebers out of the perp's when you toss the empty one away and grab the third one and cut loose....after you have emptied all the other clips. LOL

Lots of great info here and these are a great bunch of guys too. You are one lucky person!.
i carry a glock for a living and if it werent for the lack of bullets and speed of loading i'd carry my 58 any day over my glock!!could ya see me pull that 58 out in the projects?lol.when the 58 barked i'd say it would get a little more respect than the glock cause hell,they have them too! wont see a project rat with a nice 58 and if they did they wouldnt know how to shoot it!speaking of work,im off to the streets of nashville now.
A deputy friend of mine carries a Colt Lightning as his off-duty gun. They told him if he could qualify with it he could carry it. He did and he does.
You got me all jazzed with the idea of forgotten guns in the closet! I checked all mine (closets) and didn't find a single one (forgotten gun). I guess I could put a few away now for a surprise later except that I could just as easily forget about one of the guns in there as one of the kids! I AM becoming forgetful in my geezerhood but apparently firearms will be the last thing to fog over.

Suppose it's just a (sub?)urban legend, but the way I heard the story.. somewhere in New England, this guy decides to renovate his old house. As part of this he tears off the fireplace mantle and surround that were added in an earlier remodeling, back in the early 1800s. There, underneath, he finds most of the original fireplace, with a Brown Bess musket still hanging over it.

It's probably not true, but it should be. :D
I saw an antiques roadshow where a guy had a Colt SAA that his dad had found in a wall while renovating a house. Still had all original factory parts and finish, made in 1876. It was worth a small truckload of cash.
Cabela's web site

I have been looking into getting a BP pistol after seeing my girlfriend's dad's 1858 New Army .44 wow that was a blast I have to get one. I was looking at Cabela's web site. They have a short video that shows loading and cleaning fairly short and comercial but has some information too. I think it is with most of the BP pistols.