BlackPowder Basics


New member
For Newbies and for the enlightenment of others, there is a very good article in this month's
Shooting Times magazine on the history and basic facts about Black Powder. It starts on page 66 and is titled "Blackpowder Precis", written by: Michael Bussard.

The developement of gunpowder has become the longest thread of tecknological developement in recorded history. Every time you squeeze the trigger and touch off a round, you're doing more than sending lead downrange. You're taking part in history.

Be Safe !!!
Bussard's article was an excellent treatment of the early history and some of the old manufacturing techniques. He also handled the chemistry in an unusually clear, if elementary, manner. On the down side, his repeat of the EPA old bromide: "bp is sensitive to heat, sparks, static electricity and impact" is simply not acceptable.
It was a neat little thing to read... but a bit sophomoric. Was there a specific purpose in this article? We understand the audience.. or do we?

I think the average shooter will walk away remembering two things:

1) China... 850 AD

2) Water and black powder... BAD

The rest is a garbled mess of half-assed college text summary on the subject, spliced gingerly into an historical context... but for what?
Gees, :)
Did not expect any replies as the post was mostly intended for informational purposes.

Glad you guys enjoyed the article ....

Be Safe !!!