Blackhawk locked-up


My new ruger Blackhawk locked-up when I was out shooting this morning. I can't cock the hammer or turn the cyclinder. It has three live rounds in it. I tried to remove the cylinder but it won't budge. I could use some help on this , if anybody has had the same problem.
Pull the base pin (cylinder pin) and take the cylinder out. If the cylinder is locked in, it could be because of overly hot loads or a bullet from a squib stuck in the throat between the cylinder and barrel.
Need more and better info . What caliber if the Cylinder pin is stuck you still need to remove it . Use a tool to pry it a little is should have a small gap at the frame . Check to see if a bullet did move out and block the cylinder from turning . Little you can do until it is unloaded .
Hold the gun up in a bright light and look at the front of the cylinder where lines up with the back end of the barrel. If you hold it just so you should see a line of light, this is the gap between the cylinder and barrel. If there is no gap there may be a bullet stuck there, part in the barrel and part still in the cylinder.
See if this is so and come back.
THis was just covered a few days ago.

Do what 5th shock stated. If the bullet is stopping the cylinder from turning you will have to purchase a brass rod. Cut the rod a few inches longer then the combined length of the barrel and cylinder. Then slide the rod down the barrel and use a hammer and tap the bullet back into the cylinder.

After hours working on my Blackhawk I took a wodden dowel and tapped it in the barrel. What I found was a bullet that was partialy stuck in the the chamber. I had been given some reloads from a friend and he forgot to put powder in one of the loads. This pushed the bullet just far enough to jam the cylinder. I will not ever use others reloads again.
Thanks for all your help on this problem.
I met another reloader at the range; he said I did not know how to load for the 45ACP but I was in luck. He was going to show me how. He was going to furnish all the 45ACP for the day.

Before we could get started he assisted a reloader/shooter clear his gun. He had a bullet stuck between the cylinder and barrel. He was doing everything he could do to pull the trigger; it would not budge. He tried to rotate the cylinder; it would not budge. He then tried to swing the cylinder out and again nothing would budge. We drove the bullet back into the cylinder then swung his cylinder out and then emptied his cylinder. We gave him his pistol back and he immediately began loading his Model 66 357 S&W.

With his reloads he could not tell us is if one round got no powder how does he know if the next round got twice the daily recommended dose. We offered to help him with his reloading, we offered to loan him equipment etc., etc... Anyhow, he packed up and left.

Back to the 45ACP; it did not work; his reloads worked in at least 6 other 45 ACP pistols but not my pistols.

F. Guffey