A lot depends on your intended use, since you ask. Personally, I don't care to carry in a strong side belt holster any bbl longer than 5.25". Mostly because the longer tubes seem to always be gouging and catching in and out of vehicles, off and on AtV's and Mt. bikes. In a bench seat pick-up, seems like the seat drives the butt hard against my ribs and kidneys! And the longer tubes can be a tad heavier to tote, though weight is debatable shooter to shooter. All my favorite carry guns are 4" plus or minus, and my .357 b-hawk is 4-5/8.
Certainly the longer tubes are easier to shoot, reducing flash, flip and blast. And there is something to be said for increased accuracy due to more forgiving sight radius.
After years of 4" handguns though, I find that my 50+ eyes do not see the front sight on my ol'favorites like they used too. And ironically, its my Dad's long tubed Single-6 that I am now most accurate w/ just like he was at my age!