Black Talon Legal or Not?

Ruger guy

New member
I see black talon ammo for sale from time to time. Is it legal or not? Does it have to do with the date of manufacture like magazines? What are the legal ramifications if you use them? Are they all they're cracked up to be or is it just another media hype thing? What's the best for 9mm stopping power?

I know that's a lot of questions for one topic, but I believe they are all kind of related.....sort of. :)
Last I heard Black Talon is legal. I wouldn't carry it for a few reasons.
First is cost. Second "related to first" is lack of ammo to practice with. Third If you every have to use it to protect your life at the civil "if not also the criminal" trial it will be brought in some stupid manner. "It is so deadly the AMMO COMPANIES quit selling it to the public. This ammo causes danger to E.R. Doctors. (the spinning blades cut their gloves and can lead to the spread of AIDS" Forth you can't point to many "if any???" police depts that use it dept issue. Fifth IMO it isn't that much better then others.
In short go ahead if you wish but IMHO it ain't worth it. I have some "somewhere I think" that I will try to dig out to unload at next gun show. Thanks for reminding me. :) :)
Yes, Black Talon is legal. It's also called Ranger SXT.

Legal ramifications get kind of iffy. Criminally, there are no ramifications for using Black Talon/Ranger SXT. Civilly, you need to talk to a lawyer, not an ex-country cop.

While the points on a perfectly mushroomed Black Talon/Ranger SXT are very sharp, I doubt that they present any more of a threat to a physician than the bone shards and splinters produced by any fast 9mm. Just my humble opinion, though.

I think the Black Talon/Ranger SXT is probably just as effective more-or-less than any other high quality ammunition out there (Golden Sabre, Gold Dot, Hydra-Shok, Starfire, so on and so forth)

Most effective? Hoo-hah! Tht question has sold more gun rags than just about anything else. Heavy/slow vs. light/fast--everyone has an opinion and probably the facts and/or anecdotal evidence to back them up.

In my personal experience (soldier, Peace Officer, PPO) no matter what calibre I'm carrying, it has to meet three requirements:

1) I have to be able to put 10 out of 10 into the K-zone on a DPS target from 1 meter out to 20 meters, and

2) It has to be the heaviest bullet that will break 1,000 feet per second coming out of the barrel, and still meet requirement #1 and,

3) It has to function consistently in whichever pistol I'm using. While still meeting #1 and #2.

In 9mm, that's usually one of the 124 grain rounds.

Hope that helps.


(Legal mumbo-jumbo: The above opinions are only those of LawDog and do not represent the opinions of The Firing Line Forum or anyone, past, present or future who is, was or will be using this Forum. Unless the above-mentioned other person says it does. So there.)

[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited January 12, 2000).]
To add my two cents worth--I usually buy the least expensive quality 9 mm hollow points I can fine.

A hollow point is a hollow point is a hollow point, pretty much.

I like 115 grain hp ,cause I dont like any extra recoil disturbing my sight allignment.

After all, a bullet is not much good if it does not hit the target some wheres.

I buy brands like winchester USA, PMC,
federal Eagle, Remington UMC

Sure ,you can pay more, but why?? the quality
is what--maybe 5 % better, if that. The price is sure 10.oo a box more!

Anyways--the above brands have been good enough for me for the past 15 years. They are
all smokeless,non corosive, brass case ,boxer primed, fully reloadable and use copper jacketed lead bullet heads. What more do you want?

AT THE RANGE FOR FEEDING AND ANTI JAM RELIABILITY. Only after range testing should you feel confident in carrying.

Each 9 mm,40s&w,or 45acp--hell, all semi
autos are querky. Some feed all ammo well
& others are fussy and only like 1 brand of ammo & you will see all incroments in between,too ; so always field test first.

In 2000, we must become
politically active
in support of gun rights
or we WILL LOSE the right
& the freedom.


Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they are all disarmed and helpless and die,instead.

ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
I would be willing to bet that there would be at least a handful of prospective jurors that think anything with a hole in the bullet is a Dum Dum round. I choose what I use for HD on that basis.
Thanks for the input guys. I can see some lawyer making the distinction that since I was using hollow points or black talons on the intruder that I REALLY meant to seriously hurt him when I pulled the trigger. I don't think I'll invite that. Whatever I use is good enough. Aaah, the hell with it, I'll just use the shotgun and get it over with. What do ya think the slimmy lawyer will do with that? He'll probably say that if I was a caring individual I would have just used the 22.
Can't win can ya? :)

I won't bother with the black talons. Why give 'em more ammo to make the victim out to be the perp.
For what it's worth, at least one department in CT (Yale campus police) carries Black Talon in 9mm standard issue.

I don't know that I'd be so worried about any legally purchased off-the-shelf ammo for legal reasons in any case. But if it were to come up you can point out that you wanted to use the ammunition deemed acceptable by no less responsible an authority than some police departments.

Black Talon ammunition is EXPRESSLY ILLEGAL in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

That being said, my local PD uses it exclusively. We have a "friendly cop" that lives behind us, and we've discussed the issue at length.

Personally, I don't give a SH*T what's "legal". I'll use whatever I bloody well please in an emergency (this includes SS109 .223's). Sorry to come off so militantly, but I'm SICK TO DEATH of all this CRAP.

"...the right to keep and bear arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED..."

Nuf said...

Why we are on the subjuect of 9mm HP's I have a question of everyone. Where can I find 147gr XTP's in a factory load? I've been told don't use handloads, but it's the only way I can get this loading.

My handloads will penetrate a 6" fence post at 5feet with this bullet, with the 124gr I only get about half that. I can get about 950 out of the 147 and about 1100 out of a 124gr, actual chrono velocities. I like a big heavy bullet for punching holes in stuff, figure if I am ever forced to shoot at a range over 25yds, that heavy projectile is going to have the edge.

I just bought a P-90 Ruger in .45acp yesterday and will most likely begin to carry it soon, but want to get a few hundred rounds of practice in first. The first 50 rds made one huge hole in the target, so it looks like it's gonna be a keeper.

They teach conformity, it equals servitude, and that leads to genocide based not on race but resistance,
